Woman Who’s Allergic To Daylight Has Learned How To Embrace Life

6 years ago

The sun raises as a symbol of life and happiness, but for one woman in Utah sun rays are nothing short of deadly. Aged 22, Lizzie Tenney already had 43 skin cancer surgeries. She was born with a rare disease, her skin is unable to repair its own DNA once it has been damaged by the sun’s harmful UV rays.

The windows in the home have been lined with protective filters, but it’s the outside that presents the biggest danger. For Lizzie, leaving the house is a huge ordeal as even the tiniest gap in her clothing could allow UV rays through.

She wears protective jeans and puts on special gloves, and always carries a special meter that tells her the sun UV rays exposure that prevents her to get burned, signalizing to her when rays are in her allowed range. Only when she is covered head-to-toe she is ready to go outside!

It wasn’t until Lizzie was 12 that a local doctor shed light on her condition. The diagnosis completely changed the way that Lizzie had to live her life. On a typical cloudy day the meter runs about three to four hundred but on a super sunny day it runs 16 hundred and goes on and on.

XP in the US affects one in one million people. What’s rare, is having two instances of it in the same family. Lizzie’s niece has XP and she is seven.

Lizzie’s message for you is ‘be happy to be here on Earth and make new friends and have a positive attitude no matter what you deal with’. We hope that this inspiring story will help you become a better person!

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