Video QQ: New Age - Dangerous or Not?

10 months ago

This is a recording of a live stream of The Faith Debate radio show doing an in-studio recording session. This behind-the-scenes look makes you a fly on the wall as the panel interacts with various ways New Age practices are placing professing Christians in danger (or not).
Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ
David Forsee. Pastor, multi-location house church
Daniel Razvi. Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran's
Imran Razvi. Founder, Conquered By Love Ministries
Live in-studio, The Faith Debate discusses:
. Yoga - Can it be made holy?
. Reiki & Crystals - What does the Bible say about Energy Healing?
. Oil Blends, Smudging, & Horoscopes - Is there truth in any of this?
. Palm Readings, Psychics, Crystal Balls, Tarot Cards, Ouija Boards, & Seances
. Enneagram & Esoteric Psychology - Are non-biblical analytical tools okay?
This video contains five radio shows. All five episodes will be available as audio podcasts after they air on the radio in May of 2024. The easiest way to find these podcasts, once they're uploaded, will be to visit the Household of Faith in Christ website and link to either SermonAudio or Odysee.

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