the joy of the Triune God is becoming our joy

4 months ago

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to us to be our enjoyment. We want to abide in You by abiding in Your love so that we may be filled with joy. Amen, Lord, recover the matter of enjoying the Lord among us. Save us from just reading the Bible without contacting You. May we come to You in Your word with the exercise of our spirit so that we may enjoy You. Be our enjoyment today. Amen, Lord, we want to eat You so that we may live because of You. We want to enjoy You so that we may live one spirit with You today. May our Christian living be filled with eating, drinking, and enjoying the Lord day by day!

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Welcome to this podcast. This is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today, week 2 day 3 on the topic of, The Enjoyment of Christ and our Growth in Life unto Maturity (2023 Thanksgiving Blending Conference). The title of this article is, God wants Man to Enjoy Him so that the Joy of the Triune God would Become our Joy. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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