Biden Has Secretly Flown 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Into 43 U.S. Cities

3 months ago

I always thought it was odd when people lost their minds about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott busing illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York City … what about all the illegals the Biden administration is flying all over the country? You can't get on a plane without a photo ID but they have special lines at the airport for illegals who only have to show the documentation given to them by the Border Patrol. I remember writing that illegals were allowed to opt out of having their photos taken by the TSA — all they had to do was ask a TSA agent. A new report says that President Joe Biden has flown in 320,000 illegal immigrants from Latin America and then sent them all over the country. They didn't even have to walk across the border. Joe Biden has secretly flown 320,000 illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities. Treason.

It gets even worse. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection is refusing to identify which airports they are being shipped to. “The program at the center of the FOIA litigation is perhaps the most enigmatic and least-known of the Biden administration’s uses of the CBP One cellphone scheduling app, even though it is responsible for almost invisibly importing by air 320,000 aliens with no legal right to enter the United States since it got underway in late 2022,” said journalist Todd Bensman (@BensmanTodd) “Under these legally dubious parole programs, aliens who cannot legally enter the country use the CBP One app to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports. The parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization.” Insane. -- I'd be surprised if it were that few. Elon Musk is convinced that Biden is intentionally letting in future Democrat voters.

Elon Musk @elonmusk: “Treason indeed! Ushering in vast numbers of illegals is why Secretary Mayorkas was impeached by the House. They are importing voters. This is why groups on the far left fight so hard to stop voter ID requirements, under the absurd guise of protecting the right to vote.” -- Collin Rugg @CollinRugg: “This says it all.” -- Name anything the Biden administration has done to curb illegal immigration. Anything. Every time Texas tries to secure its own border, the Biden administration files a lawsuit. It’s impossible to state how successful the regime open borders agenda has been in a very short amount of time. -- They have aggressively pursued all means available to transform the American electorate. On your dime, of course. And Gov. Gavin Newsom has accused Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of kidnapping by busing migrants to Sacramento. 1,500 illegal aliens PER DAY are granted entry via the CBP One app.

And they are NOT counted in the figures that Customs and Border Patrol release for border "encounters". Yes, the Border Patrol has an app for illegal immigrants. Let’s remember that we paid for these 320k illegals to be secretly flown in luxury accommodations to cities all over the US. Then we paid for their hotels, food, health care and debit cards. The Biden administration hates the American people. He’s a traitor to the United States! Obama told us they would fundamentally change America. The treason is systemic and massive. You're a racist conspiracy theorist if you mention "the great replacement," and yet there are now more illegals entering the country than there are American citizens being born. TheOracle @TheOrac93482874: “I can confirm San Antonio is one of the airports. They’re using unmarked, gray, government planes too. They’ve been flying in several flights a day to former Kelly AFB.”

Casey Adams @wvcasey: “I can confirm this exists. A customer of mine works for DHS/CBP and has been assigned to processing these applications for 2 smaller European countries which consumes 100% of his duty time. No one will speak up and those emphatically embracing it are fast tracked for promotions.” -- Hope they had to remove their shoes, belt and pockets before being cleared for flying … Center for Immigration Studies @CIS_org: “Read the full report here:” -- "Biden Parole Flights." Thanks to an ongoing Center for Immigration Studies Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the public now knows that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app. (See links to prior CIS reports at the end of this post.) …

The program at the center of the FOIA litigation is perhaps the most enigmatic and least-known of the Biden administration’s uses of the CBP One cell phone scheduling app, even though it is responsible for almost invisibly importing by air 320,000 aliens with no legal right to enter the United States since it got underway in late 2022. It remains part of the administration’s “lawful pathways” strategy, with its stated purpose being to reduce the number of illegal border entries between ports of entry. The countries whose citizens are eligible are Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, and Ecuador. Under these legally dubious parole programs, aliens who cannot legally enter the country use the CBP One app to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports. The parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization. The government characterizes these programs as “family reunification programs”.

What a plan: Reduce illegals crossing at the border by flying them in directly from Latin America.

UK Daily Mail: Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'
UK Daily Mail: Elon Musk says 'the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11' after Biden administration ADMITTED flying 320K unvetted migrants into the US has national security 'vulnerabilities'
UK Daily Mail: Trump slams 'unbelievable' report 325,000 migrants have been flown into the U.S. on secret flights under Biden and claims Democrats 'want' open borders

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