2004 KDX200 shakedown ride. First ride on the KDX to see if there are any bugs to work out.

11 months ago

Short 2004 KDX200 shakedown ride. First ride on the new KDX to see if there are any bugs to work out. I forgot how fun the KDX200 is! This ride was pretty successful as far as bugs, the only thing I found is that from 0-1/4 throttle the bike is very rich, so rich it gurgles until above 1/4 then cleans out. I just went through Keihin PWK 35 after I bought the bike and jetting settings are set to stock so I'm betting it's the jet block o-ring so parts are on order. Now I have a KDX220 and KDX200 so the only logical thing to do is find a KX125 frame to put one of the motors into.

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