40 Days of Prayer, Worship Now John 4:23, Week 4

10 months ago

Welcome to 40 Days of Prayer, Worship Now John 4:23, Week 4

The Lord desires hearts that authentically worship Him. Whether it be in song, conversation, prayer, or art, worship is an expression of gratitude, thankfulness, and love towards God, our Father. He is seeking people who worship Him with sincerity and authenticity, and in order to do so, our hearts must be surrendered completely to Him. We are called to fear the Lord, serve Him, and hold fast to His promises and truth (Deut. 6:13). Everything we do—really, all we are—should flow out of an abundance of praise and worship to the Lord. Let us surrender together, in humble submission to the Lord Jesus, and worship Him in spirit and in truth.
By Hannah Castro

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