SoulCast - Forget the Lies and Remember Who You Are

1 year ago

Hello Soul Family,

In our lives it seems that we have not experienced a lot of love, and many of us have only had fleeting moments of happiness and joy. It has been a stressful existence and yet, through the teaching of Jesus Christ, we learn that love is the key for our ascension into a higher vibration. Love is the frequency of healing and of creation.

We have been programed to believe that we are not important, that we don’t have any value, that we don’t amount to anything, that we are a mistake and have nothing to offer. All of these programs are lies. Each of you is a miracle and blessing to the world. Some people believe the lies and this has caused feelings of disempowerment and weakness.

It is important to remember the truth of who you are. You were created through grace and perfection. Each of you are blessed with many spiritual gifts that lay dormant within you. It is time to activate those gifts and let go of the programming from the past and forgive those people that lied to you.
Step back from the emotional pain of the past and begin to step into your emotional strengths to activate your gifts and higher vibrational attributes of love, kindness, compassion, empathy, truth and peace. As we work on ourselves, it gives permission to others ton work on themselves and raise their vibration and do their own work.

Your solar plexus charka is the center of your personal power, gut instincts, confidence and self-assurance. This center has been attacked and kept off balance by those that want to keep you feeling weak and powerless.

Through the power of the Light of Christ that is within you, that once called upon, can heal you. Use the power of the violet flame of purification to burn away the lies and negativity. Share your unique qualities with those you encounter. You will be given all the empowerment you need to attain the desires of your heart and realize your dreams.

If you would like some personal one-on-one assistance, please reach out to me at so we can schedule an appointment for Soul Coaching, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing and Clearing.

Also, if you are interested in Getting Healthy, Helping Others and Financially Thriving please email me at and put Healthy and Strong in the subject line. We can then schedule an appointment where I can show you what I’m doing and see if this Opportunity is a good fit for you.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Natural Remedies
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• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar:

Remember who you are and confidently step into your divinity.

Much Love and Blessings,

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