20240305 塔克·卡尔森 第 79 期:亨特·拜登的精神科医生 基思·阿布洛 博士:武装特工突袭了他的办公室,带走了他的病历记录以及亨特的笔记本电脑,并且没有对他提出任何罪名。(中英双语机

1 year ago

20240305 塔克·卡尔森 第 79 期:亨特·拜登的精神科医生 基思·阿布洛 博士:武装特工突袭了他的办公室,带走了他的病历记录以及亨特的笔记本电脑,并且没有对他提出任何罪名。(中英双语机器字幕)

Ep. 79 Dr Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist who spent years on Fox News. He also treated Hunter Biden. Armed agents raided his office, took his patient records as well as Hunter's laptop, and never charged him with a crime. What was this about? He talks about it for the first time.

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