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OAN Network - Miki Speaks OUT - This is a Foreign Insurrection!

1 year ago

Stay tuned and watch as we learn to walk in HONOR with these foreign corporations who are acting as our government.

This NOT our government!
This is an insurrection.

That is why they are investing in hurting the people rather than protecting their rights.

It's time to peacefully assemble and form our own, private PMA for all residents of Maricopa County who seek protection from these public tyrants.

Follow our movement to Restore the Republic Worldwide!

Website: www.ThePeoplesOperationRestoration.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepeoplesoperationrestoration/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1433929540525174
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@operationrestoration2024
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@OperationRestoration
Telegram: https://t.me/operationrestoration
Twitter: https://twitter.com/op_restoration
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5744487


  • 0/2000
  • All the people from the boards who voted to blanket the cities with cell towers that emit harmful EMFs need to be served in the same way. Also the ones responsible for the forced installation in our homes of smart meters that emit harmful EMFs. These harmful effects are documented and many can testify of their negative impact on health. And obviously all the people who engaged in forced medical experiments, in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code. Time to serve ALL these traitors who seem to be working for the British "Crown" CORPORATION, and NOT for We The People... Time to rise Humanity and claim our SOVEREIGNTY as HUMANS IN FLESH AND BLOOD, and not as the FICTITIOUS CORPORATE ENTITY they created at our birth with the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, unbeknownst to us, and without our consent... Time to say WE DON'T CONSENT TO THIS FRAUD. Time to claim our sovereignty as HUMAN BEINGS IN FLESH AND BLOOD. Godspeed Humanity.

  • Miki, YOU ROCK !!! Kick their traitor asses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time for the Great Restitution.

  • 100% Power to the People. Thanks Miki (and Ann)

    1 like
  • Miki, I’ve heard you, very briefly, talk about steps to take if one is ticketed by a “law enforcement” officer. I’ll very soon be traveling on my motorcycle with no DMV registration or plate, or license, as none of this is lawfully required for private-use conveyances, not operating in commerce. I’d love to be able to talk with you for 5-10m, and get your full suggested steps, in case I do get pulled over and ticketed, such that this man, sometimes acting as a LEO, never tickets another traveler (not driver) again!


  • Miki, you should try and reach out to these kids auditing police on YouTube. I've followed some of them for quite some time, and I've noticed they all know eachother, and they're in every state. The word would spread like wildfire, and I think it would have a tremendous effect on the Deep State being hit all at once. If you're interested, I can give you a few names of people that I think would be more than will. Just food for thought. ~Love & Light~

  • https://themarshallreport.wordpress.com/2021/01/20/trump-ode-to-the-corporation/

  • Go to the documents.info and find out how Donald J Trump through is executive orders and declaring national emergency is our War Time President and our Comander and Chief. We are in a military operation of irregular warfare never seen before. it is BIBLICAL what is happening.