James Topp | Trued Up - Season 1, Episode 4

1 year ago

"One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

After serving his country in the Canadian military, James Topp knows what it is to sacrifice and to obey orders. And so it was with great forethought that he made his decision to oppose medical mandates in uniform — a decision that came at great personal cost. Raising awareness and controversy, James marched across Canada, walking more than a marathon every day, for months. Today, we walk back to July 2022, when I was still figuring out what TruedUp would look like, but feeling the reserved but buoyant energy of marching for one day with James Topp and hearing his story of courage and conviction.

You can read about my march with James Topp here…

You can find the book I mentioned here…

You can read about examples of effective civil disobedience here…

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