Lifeform Zero THAT Lizard Waifu Game

1 year ago

Game: Lifeform Zero

-- Sauce --
Kiryu Coco left - Negsus
Kiryu Coco right - Nyantcha / ThiccWithaQ
Abigail Shapiro
Ramius - Evenicle
Erza Scarlet - Dragon's Cry
Belle Delphine
Pipkin Pippa
"Manga" Girl - takurowo
Narmaya Maid - hilda sakura
Narmaya - 27h_kikyo

-- Music --
Gatsu - Susumu Hirasawa

-- Timestamps --
0:00 Asura's Pause
0:14 Look, Look here, look, listen
1:32 Egg no more
1:56 Bad Times

Lifeform me.

Lizard make me feel things, but those things are a severe fear for the future of humanity.

Monster girl is peak and I would have ranked it S if it was in the previous video. Unfortunately, this monster girl is F.

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