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Vicki Joy Anderson - Connecting To The Spirit Realm...

11 months ago

Vicki Joy Anderson is a respected researcher and Author of "They Only Come Out At Night" published through LA Marzulli. Vicki is one of the go to experts on sleep paralysis experiences with a deep well of biblical and spiritual knowledge to back up her awesome research. We hope to have a great conversation as we discuss the Spirit realm and how there are numerous new technologies and methods being produced to help people connect with it in today's modern age, perhaps to our own detriment.

Vicki's Link:
Website: https://www.vickijoyanderson.com/
Book: https://lamarzulli.net/product/they-only-come-out-at-night/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vickijoyauthor/?hl=en-gb

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/understandingconspiracy
BOOK: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-nephilim-looked-like-clowns-book-project
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/understandingconspiracy
PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/uconspiracy/5
TEESPRING: https://my-store-dc9f56.creator-spring.com/listing/the-understanding-conspiracy-c
CASHAPP: https://cash.app/£Uconspiracy

The original clown series playlist here:


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