Dr David Martin - "There was no surprise.”

1 year ago

Did the enemy warn us they would intentionally unleash Covid on the world?

Dr David Martin - "There was no surprise.”

“The criminals were actually telling the public that they were going to do it... and nobody in the public cared.”

“Why (in April 2019) would a company [Moderna] that has never had any expertise in respiratory pathogens amend patent filings that had been rejected to include the language ‘ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF A RESPIRATORY PATHOGEN' if somebody wasn’t preparing to release a respiratory pathogen?”



It's not that the public didn't care, it's more that the public did not know! Besides, this is why we have people in positions of responsibility, but it wasn't until 2020 when most of those who were already awakening realised just how widespread the evil and corruption was in ALL positions of responsibility, and the sheer scale of infiltration by dark entities. I hasten to add that there were many of us fully aware of what was going on in very early 2020, and many who were suspicious from the Agenda 201 meeting in Oct 2019 as we knew from experience that "exercises" usually mean "actual terrorist events"....just like 9/11, just like the London 7/7 bombings.

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