"Adorable Dancer Scared By A Turkey"

6 years ago

"Who knew that a turkey could be so scary? This adorable little dancer is having a good time. He is listening to his favorite music and everything is great. He is dancing around the house and having a blast! But, when he leaves the kitchen, his parents decide to prepare a surprise for him. From what we can see, a delicious dinner is being prepared in the house. It must be a family gathering and everyone is feeling great. In such a good mood they decide to surprise the adorable little boy. As he dances, they decide to show him the turkey they are making. As soon as he sees it, he loses it! He starts screaming and we completely understand him. We would probably do the same if we were him. His parent tries to calm him down, but he is not having it. But we believe that it was more because his performance was interrupted, not because of the turkey."

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