"Kid Tries Jalapeno For The First Time"

6 years ago

"If you’re a fan of the Mexican food, you have to love the taste of a jalapeno pepper. But do you remember the first time you tried it? That shock when you feel just how hot it is? Take a look at the video of the kid who is tasting his very first jalapeno pepper. It’s a bit painful to watch but hilarious at the same time. It’s his dad who decided it’s time for his son to taste this hot and spicy plant. At first, the kid thinks the jalapeno isn’t too hot, but then, the hot wave hits him. Ouch! We can feel the pain!nThe jalapeno originates from Mexico, off course, and it is a medium-sized chili pepper. Did you know that despite being hot, chili peppers are good for you? They are high in vitamins, a good source of beta-carotene, calcium, and potassium, and may help reduce cholesterol. So, this kid is actually going to be healthier after eating jalapeno. Well, after he gets used to the hotness in his mouth."

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