Sega Dreamcast Repair Vol 4: Clock-Battery Repair & More!

1 year ago

In this episode of the Sega Dreamcast Repair Series I'm fixing a drained battery that regulates the internal clock. If you've got a Sega Dreamcast that asks you to set the time each time you turn it on then that means that the internal battery is dead and needs to be repaired. Check out this guide on how to do that and even replace some other components. Here's the timeline breakdown:

00:00 Intro
01:14 Controller Port Motherboard Overview and removal
04:22 Battery Removal Process
06:10 Solder Wicking Demonstration
10:01 Battery Holder Replacement
11:10 Battery Holder Soldering Demonstration
12:05 Battery Placement into Holder
12:29 Transistor(?) Replacement Intro
14:00 More Solder Wicking Demonstration
15:36 Transistor(?) Removal and Replacement
19:00 Controller Power Transistor(?) Intro and Replacement
20:05 Controller Power Transistor(?) Removal and replacement
21:24 Round Transistor(?) Intro, Removal, and replacement
23:36 Finishing-up
24:16 The test
26:21 Update and End

There's some fumbling in this video but I wanted to show what it's like to do this operation for someone who doesn't have very much skill. I hope this helps and that you enjoy!

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