Dr. Nicole Avena "Sugarless," Charles C., David R. Barnhizer "Conformity Colleges"

11 months ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss many people struggle with sugar addiction which can lead to unhealthy weight, diabetes, and even cancer. Neuroscientist Dr. Nicole Avena provides a comprehensive 7-step plan to uncover hidden sugars and conquer addiction with her latest book, "Sugarless."
Next, Charles suffered from weakness in his legs and pain in his lower back making it difficult to walk and ride his motorcycle. After his exclusive Bonati Spine Procedures, he is looking forward to riding to work and spending time with his family and friends, pain free.
Finally, the American education system has come under attack by the ideological left forcing policies in order to promote their personal agenda. Professor David Barnhizer details a path back to individual thought and creativity by dismantling the DEI‘s initiatives.
(Original airdate 3-9-24)

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please visit: askbonati.com or call (855) 267-0482
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