Rabbi says that Jews have the right to enslave non-Jews

9 months ago

Jews are an anti-White power that insist on the Great Replacement.

If you care about White people, you should unequivocally condemn Jewry.

Jewish power is so bad for us that it doesn't even let us criticize it, name it, shame it, or hold it accountable.

Jewish power convinced Whites that their race didn't matter and that all races were equal.

This has been a sure dead end for the White race, since a strong racial identity is necessary to reverse The Great Replacement.

Jews put Jews first and demand Whites aren't put anywhere.

If we leave the White race's fate up to Jews, there will be no more White people.

That's why Zionism is so dangerous to us.

The bottom line is we can't keep perceiving race like Jews demand else Whites will be through as a people.

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