Golden Rose Lotus Mystery School #5 Big Island, Hawaii Throat Chakra

1 year ago

Live from Big Island, Hawaii with special Guest Gramma Hoku, founder of The House Of Golden Light established 1976 tells her intimate Story of her spontaneous KUNDALINI AWAKENING at age 14 in the convent for the 1st time publicly.

Mystery School is a musical oracular prayer gathering & teaching created & channeled AS A MINISTRY OF LOVE.

My mission is to carry forth the teachings of MARY MAGDALENE, THE GREAT MOTHER GODDESS & open the conversation to ALL; men, women, children & share wisdom teachings of my respected ELDERS.

This episode features Joshua Hathaway as musical guest in our former homestead & recaps the 1st
5 chakras.

#mysteryschool #newearth #tantra #kundalini #kundaliniawakening #stigmata #spontaneouskundaluniawakening #elderwisdoom #priestess #daughterofchrist #divinefeminine #mothermary #marymagdalene #metaphysics #ancientwisdom #5d #newearth #ancientgoldenfuture #rosesisterhood #lineageoftherose #mysteryteaching #priestessofthegoldenage #convent #throatchakra #speakyourtruth #greatawakening #massawakening #starseed #werisetogether #ministry #ministryoflove #esoteric #occult #reverendstarchild #hawaii #minister #goldenlight #jesus #jeshua #christos #gnostic #shamanism #galactic #galacticfederation #multidimensionalbeings #starchild #starchildren #rainbowtribe #rainbowwarriors #warriorsoflight #love #joy #prayer #pray #tribe #teacher #chakras #spirituality #spiritualawakening #singing

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