Girl Accidentally Farts During Taser Training

6 years ago

The taser training teaches law enforcement or the military personnel to use the revolutionary Taser ECD weapon. The recruit being tased lays must face down on a training mat, with alligator clips attached to his clothing in locations that would simulate a typical taser firing. After a 5 second countdown, the taser firing begins. Watch this hilariously funny video of a lady trainee that accidentally farts during a taser training.

Every time we hear the word "taser", the first thing we think about is electrocution. But in fact, it is more than that. The shooting guns fire two small dart-like electrodes which deliver electric and cause "neuromuscular incapacitation". Tasers are widely used around the world, as a substitute for the fire weapons. They are introduced as non-lethal arms for the police to use to subdue or flee dangerous people and criminals, who would have otherwise been exposed to more lethal weapons, such as firearms.

Farting in public can be really embarrassing, could all agree to that! During a taser training, the girl is laying on a special mat and waiting for the man with the taser weapon to begin with the practice. The woman in this video, clearly experiencing pain and overstimulation, farts pretty loudly. It all happens in front of a group of strangers, colleagues and the taser coach. They all laugh, including the girl herself.

Is this the worst thing that could ever happen during a training?
Farts are always funny, no matter where or when they happen. This video is a proof of that!

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