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IS THIS KATE: Princess of Wales Seen for the FIRST Time in WEEKS After Planned Surgery #ISTHISKATE

11 months ago

#ISTHISKATE #whereiskate ...THANK YOU @KateBruce1
LINK: https://tinyurl.com/4uz7nsyr
The Princess of Wales has been seen for the first time since Christmas, ending weeks of speculation about her whereabouts.

Catherine was photographed in a car with her mother, Carole Middleton, at Windsor as she continues to recover from a "planned abdominal surgery".

Today's Europe Correspondent Edward Godfrey said the photos made "big headlines" in the UK and abroad.

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💖.....HEAVEN OR 🔥💀HELL💀🔥 IS A CHOICE...💖💖....WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE?.........❤️ROMANS 13:11-14.....❤️...THEN ROMANS 10:9-13...❤️...BECAUSE JOHN 3:3-21..❤️...1ST JOHN 1:9...❤️....REPENT & LIVE…...Jesus Christ is our GOD

Danger Will Robinson!

💖❤️❤️JESUS IS COMING BACK!!!!!!❤️❤️💖

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  • 0/2000
  • Aren’t we all just sick of the lies, body doubles and CGI etc.

    1 like
  • Why is William starting to look like Mr. Burns on the Simpson 😂🤣😭.... This is weird they are hiding Kate like they did Jamie Fox, when he came back out we all knew that's not the real Jamie 🥴

  • Thank you for sharing 🙏😇🕊️😊 Hope she is fine 🙏😊