Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Healing- Carol McMakin (April 2021)

1 year ago

Apr 28, 2021
“Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Healing” is the presentation shared by Carol McMakin, MA, DC at the April 6th, 2021 Zoom meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is changing the way physicians and patients think about treatment options for pain and many other medical conditions. Exciting data and 20 years of clinical evidence show how frequencies and resonance can be used instead of medications, nutrients and chemical interactions to change tissues and symptoms. The new book, The Resonance Effect, describes how FSM was discovered and developed, how it’s changing medicine and how you can use resonance to change lives, including your own.

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Smart Life Forum, Inc. (SLF) is a California nonprofit corporation organized under state law for educational and scientific purposes as a public benefit corporation. Our primary mission is to provide credible health education to the public with an emphasis on optimal wellness, anti-aging medicine, and longevity.


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