MSNBC Commercials (May 2006)

1 year ago

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These commercials aired on MSNBC sometime in May of 2006 during Imus in the Morning and Countdown with Keith Olberman - Daytime Edition. Enjoy!

Commercials featured:

0:00 - American Express Blue [CUT-OFF]
0:02 - Omron
0:32 - Verizon Business
1:02 - Countdown with Keith Olberman Daytime Edition Promo
1:52 -
2:21 - Sprint
2:52 -
3:21 - The Abrams Report Promo
3:32 - Hardball Promo
3:52 - Crizal
4:21 - Steely Dan & Michael McDonald in Concert
4:52 - The Jewelry Exchange
5:07 - Enterprise
5:22 - Netflix
5:52 - Vermont Teddy Bear
6:51 - Vonage
7:22 - Scarborough Country Promo
7:42 - NBC Thursday Promo
8:02 - Rita Crosby Promo
8:23 - The Situation with Tucker Carlson Promo (Oh boy)
8:42 - Smart Balance Omega
9:12 - Nextel
10:13 - Amica
10:42 - Planet Ford
11:12 - The Most Promo
11:32 - NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams Promo
11:42 - Super 8 Motel
11:57 - SAP
12:13 - GMC Sierra
12:42 -
13:13 - Coming up on Imus Bumper
13:23 - Omron #2
13:29 - Omron (Again)
14:07 - #2
14:22 - Sprint (Again)
14:53 - Road Runner
15:22 - Planet Ford (Again)
15:52 - The Winners' Circle with Terry Bradshaw
17:52 - Verizon Business (Again)
18:52 - Western Union Million Dollar Giveaway
19:22 - Imus Sponsor Tag - Western Union
19:27 - Countdown with Keith Olberman Daytime Edition Promo (Again)
19:48 - Avis
20:17 - The Jewelry Exchange (Again)
20:32 - eHarmony (Cringe)
20:48 - Nextel #2
21:18 - Hardball Promo (Again)
21:39 -
21:49 - Lending Tree
22:19 - Vidalia Chop Wizard
24:18 - Planet Ford (Again)
24:48 - The Hand Center (Poor Michael G. Brown....)
25:19 - Promo
25:39 - The Most Promo (Again)
25:59 - Scarborough Country Promo (Again)
26:20 - The Situation with Tucker Carlson Promo (Again)
26:29 - (Again)
26:59 - Sprint Broadband
27:32 - Era
27:45 - National Rent-a-Car
28:00 -
28:30 - Planet Ford (Again)
28:58 - Time Warner Cable
29:29 - Dell
30:01 - Verizon Business (Again)
31:01 - Tomorrow on Imus Bumper
31:09 - Firestone
31:25 - Western Union Million Dollar Giveaway #2
31:55 - Super 8 Motel (Again)
32:11 - Nextel #2 (Again)
32:39 - Planet Ford (Again)
33:39 - Countdown with Keith Olberman Daytime Edition Promo (Again)
34:00 - The Most Promo (Again)
34:10 - Geico
34:41 - Icy Hot Pro Therapy
34:58 -
35:26 - #2 (Again)
35:41 - Fancy Feast
36:11 - Scarborough Country Promo (Again)
36:31 - Rita Crosby Promo #2
36:42 - Crizal (Again)
37:11 - Planet Ford (Again)
37:41 - Bayer
38:06 - Best Buy
38:41 - Swiffer
39:11 - GE
39:42 - Jimmy Dean
40:12 - Charles Schwab
41:11 - ING
41:42 - V8
41:57 - Arm & Hammer Mutli-Cat Strength
42:12 - UBS
42:42 - Planet Ford (Again)
43:12 - Hardball Promo (Again)
43:22 - Partnership for Prescription Assistance with Montel Williams
43:52 - The Situation with Tucker Carlson Promo (Again)
44:02 - MSNBC Up to the Minute

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