Cambridge Prof Proves You Don't Carry Neanderthal Genes

6 months ago

Has Paleogenetics made a basic error in science almost from its inception in 2013? This Cambridge Professor of Evolutionary Genetics says "yes", and further says that once you account for the error there is no evidence that living humans carry any genetic signature from Neanderthals.

Dr. William Amos has been published over 160 times, including in the world's most prestigious journals, Nature, Science, PaNSand many others. Doctor Amos has submitted many papers on this subject and has been disturbed by how this work is not being given a fair hearing. Frustrated, he once offered a reward of $20,000 pounds to any peer who could show him where his work was wrong. Still the journals were not publishing the bulk of his work on the subject and would not give any reason for their refusal. Finally he has produced a document where he breaks his case down to the level where an advanced layman can understand his case, in essence going around the science establishment who he feels is sitting on his studies.

Here is a link to his faculty page

Here is a link to his report where his case is broken down for the advanced layman..

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