Declare and Release God's Authority

11 months ago

There is a battle going on in America that many believe will determine the future of the world. Will America be consumed by darkness as the Marxist-Luciferians violate the Supreme Law of the Land (U.S. Constitution) and the Supreme Law of Heaven and Earth (The Word of God)? They tell us they are coming for our children, legalizing kidnapping and prosecuting those who stand up against them (Illinois HB 4876). Pedophiles are now called Minor Attracted Persons. They are intending to change the times and the laws of the Most High calling evil good and good evil. Politicians, schools and businesses are selling-out parents for a “bribe” in order to have access to the children, often through a grant, mandate, or NGO (non-government organization) programs. They use “lawfare” to take justice away from the righteous man. In Michigan the politicians are writing laws to remove the authority of the townships to decide what is best for their communities, forcing them to give up their rights and their land.

Isa 5:20-24 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
…23 Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man! 24 Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, And the flame consumes the chaff, So their root will be as rottenness, And their blossom will ascend like dust; Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Marxism is based on Luciferian ideology: defy and violate the Word of God. This is lawlessness. The #1 threat to the Marxist-Luciferian system is the Word of God; the book of law and order.

It has been almost 3 ½ years of lawlessness and rampant defiance of the natural order of God as politicians have been pushing for abortion up to 27 days after birth, while at the same time imprisoning those who are praying for the life of babies on a sidewalk. The penalty for praying? Up to 11 years in prison, under the bogus charge of impeding the entrance to an abortion clinic, even though they block no one! Antifa vandalizes, burns, destroys, injures and even kills people while taking cities hostage for months with little to no repercussions, while people who peacefully assembled on Jan 6th in Washington DC to redress the Government of grievances (1st Amendment Right from God), have been put in jail without due process of law (14th Amendment Right from God), destroying their families and businesses. It seems as though evil has taken over as the Marxist defy God with pompous words and prosecute His Saints.

Paradigms: A pattern, a model, a template, a specific design with purpose and intent. A paradigm is the opposite of a coincidence or random act. Paradigms show us God is in control and He created everything with a purpose and design. We look to paradigms for direction on how to pray, prophesy and decree God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is called the Sons of Issachar anointing; to be able to decern the times, paradigms, and prophecies in the Word of God as we walk in God’s jurisdiction.

Is there a paradigm in the Bible that parallels these last 3 ½ years? Yes, and it is expressed in “legal terms.” God is the God of law and order. He operates in His jurisdiction, not only in Heaven, but on earth. We must do the same.

Dan 7:25-27 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time (3 ½ years). 26 'But the court shall be seated, And they shall take away his dominion, To consume and destroy it forever. 27 Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven,
Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.' God through the original intent of the U.S. Constitution has given dominion to the people.

Most High: Strong’s #5945 Hebrew elyon (el-yohn); uppermost pertaining to the heights, supreme in rank. There is no authority higher than God Most High. The Declaration of Independence calls God the “Supreme Judge of the world.”

Have Dominion and Subdue (Gen 1:26-28)
Dominion: OT:7287 Hebrew radah (raw-daw'); to tread down, i.e. subjugate, prevail against, reign, rule over, take. Webster: Dominion is a noun that means domain, law or government. It can also refer to a self-governing nation (U.S.A.).
It is the supreme authority over the natural realm and the angelic celestial hierarchy. It is an established jurisdiction. We cannot have dominion in the natural-pragmatic realm without having dominion first in the angelic-spiritual realm.
Our dominion is the Kingdom of God: righteousness, peace and joy through the Holy Spirit. We establish the law of God based on Biblical ideology. Everything is founded on truth and love so we can properly administer grace, mercy, justice and judgment (righteousness). Jesus came to give us Liberty which is freedom with responsibility so we can have abundant life and the pursuit of happiness.

We subdue wickedness, chaos, deception, hate, bondage, sexual immorality, murder, lies, manipulation, and all the evils of the Kingdom of Darkness. These are all anti-life forces of Lucifer as he deceives people into believing these are good by twisting the truth, the Word of God. We cast down arguments that exalt itself against the knowledge of God.

Rom 13:1-3 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. When a government becomes tyrannical and the laws contrary to God’s moral laws, it has lost its mandate of authority from God. Therefore, God’s delegated authority flows through those who honor His laws. We honor and speak God’s laws as Supreme and call all unjust laws void and in vain.

Authority: Strong’s # 1849 Greek exousia (ex-oo-see’-ah) ability, force, competency, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, power, strength. The right to use force to establish jurisdiction. Our authority (exousia) operates in two realms; the spiritual-angelic and the natural-civic realm. Understanding our authority will bring down Babylon.

We The People: Declaring and Releasing God’s Authority
In order to declare and release God’s authority effectively, we need to do so with understanding. Everything has to be spoken aloud, and/or written down. It also has to be based on God’s Laws and the original intent of Constitutional Law. God is the God of Law and Order and He has given us the authority to “keep the peace!”

1. Understanding: Strong’s #4907 Greek sunesis and phronesis are both used in the New Testament for the word understanding. Sunesis literally, “a putting together,” hence, quickness of apprehension, “connecting the dots.”
Intelligently assessing a situation. Phronesis is the act of “doing.” It is the practical side of the mind. Sunesis judges and has discernment. It connects with the spiritual element. In order to have dominion over evil, we must move with understanding declaring and releasing God’s authority, in both realms. Understanding is faith with works.

2. Truth: being in accord with fact and reality, honesty, sincerity, integrity, and accuracy. Strong’s #225 Greek aletheia (al-ay-thi-ah) the opposite of fictitious, feigned or false. Speaking the truth in love, being honest and compassionate, releases God’s authority as we walk in His jurisdiction. Luciferians transpose truth for “feelings.”

3. Prayer: Strong’s #4336, Greek, proseuchomai (pros-yoo-khom-ahee); making a request, a vow, and setting a direction.
“It is on prayer that the promises of God wait for their fulfillment, the Kingdom for its coming, and the glory of God for its
full revelation,” -Andrew Murray. Prayer operates in the spiritual realm and manifest in the natural-physical.

4. Praise: Praising God through words, songs and shouts are a powerful way to release God’s authority into the spiritual realm, which then reverberates back into the natural-physical realm. A “teruah shout” knocked down the Walls of Jericho. Praise is a frequency that destroys darkness. Please attend Praise Rallies.

5. Decrees: words spoken aloud from the laws and paradigms of God along with the original intent of the Constitution.
Often decrees are written down. They are most effective when released in proximity of the intended principalities.
6. Notices: a written decree given to a person indicating their responsibilities and any violation of said duties or oath of office. When we appear before board members, read decrees, give notices and affidavits we release God’s authority.
7. Affidavit: a written, signed, and notarized statement attesting to the truth bearing witness to a certain situation.

Matt 5:17-18 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Lucifer hates God’s laws and is trying to change the times and laws, but his time is up! Babylon is fallen!

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