
1 year ago

(FFT Part 43) Your pseudo-sociology won't save you now, Wiegraf. You drew a sword on me and now your ass is grass, I'll be emptying out my gun into you. Also, don't base your entire life's philosophy on a person or a people. It's very important that your ideals come from something that can't be shot with a gun or run through with a sword. Doesn't matter what person manipulates and what person is manipulated if they can be killed. You won't be able to run Christianity through with a sword or shoot it to death. Christ is eternal, that's the entire point.

{Editors' Note: Entrance fee for some well paying jobs: ~11,000 gil.

The Virgo Zodiac Stone from the Brave Story: 1 billion gil.

Wearing your little sister's red shoes into battle: Priceless.}

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