Episode 26: Biden "Fit for Duty" WITHOUT Cognitive Test

2 months ago

Episode 26 of The Real Grit Podcast, titled "Biden 'Fit for Duty' Without Cognitive Test," delves into the contentious debate surrounding President Biden's health and mental fitness for office, focusing on the absence of a formal cognitive assessment in his recent medical evaluation. The hosts engage in a provocative discussion on what they perceive as President Biden's visible cognitive decline, raising questions about transparency and the potential concealment by what they refer to as the "deep state." The episode further explores the political drama in Illinois, where a controversial decision to remove former President Trump from the ballot sparks intense debate over legal standards and political bias. The conversation takes another twist as the hosts discuss a recent incident involving the arrest of a reporter by the FBI, accused of exposing the FBI's involvement in the January 6th events. The episode aims to uncover layers of political and institutional maneuvers, challenging listeners to question the narratives presented by mainstream media and governmental institutions.

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