Genesis 1 which describes the creation of the world by Yahuah

10 months ago

Yahuah creates the heavens and the earth in six days, bringing order and life to a formless void. On the first day, Yahuah creates light, separating day from night. On the second day, the firmament is made to divide the waters above from those below. The third day sees the gathering of waters under the sky into seas and the appearance of dry land, along with the creation of plants and vegetation. On the fourth day, Yahuah sets the sun, moon, and stars in the sky to serve as signs for seasons, days, and years. The fifth day is marked by the creation of sea creatures and birds. On the sixth day, land animals and humans are created. Yahuah sees everything that has been made, and it is deemed very good. The seventh day is a day of rest, as Yahuah ceases from all work, blessing and sanctifying this day.

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