Jin Shin Jyutsu for Digestion

1 year ago

Ease digestive discomfort with this simple yet effective Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help hold.

If you're feeling heavy or uncomfortable in your stomach, especially after indulging in rich food, try crossing your arms and placing your hands on the creases of your elbows.

This position, as demonstrated through a personal story from a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and his experience in France, can significantly improve digestion.

Within minutes, it may provide relief, promote better sleep, and leave you feeling refreshed. Just cross your arms, place the right hand on the left elbow and the left hand on the right elbow, relax your hands, and hold the position until you feel relief.

Give this easy and dynamic method a try for digestive issues.

For more see my blog post on Jin Shin Jyutsu for Digestion: https://www.flowsforlife.com/jin-shin-jyutsu-story-digestion/

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