The CCP Officials Call TikTok the Trojan Horse Against the West

3 months ago

03/03/2024 Fox News: ‘The Drill Down’ podcast host Peter Schweizer pointed out that the CCP propaganda ministry officials and military officials call TikTok the Trojan horse that they're using against the West. And it is astounding that the U.S. is giving TikTok, run by ByteDance, which does joint ventures with the CCP Ministry of State Security in artificial intelligence, unfettered access to young people in America.
03/03/2024 福克斯新闻:“The Drill Down”播客主持人彼得·施韦泽(Peter Schweizer)指出中共宣传部和军事官员称抖音为“用来对抗西方的特洛伊木马”。令人震惊的是,由与中共国国家安全部合作进行人工智能开发的合资企业字节跳动管理的抖音,美国竟然允许其毫无限制地接触美国年轻人。

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