"Matrix Cat"

7 years ago

"Do you remember Matrix, the movie? You know, Keanu Reeves at his best, saving the planet from the machines while busting some awesome moves? Well, we have a cat like Neo. As you’ll see in this video, this cat moves as if she was THE ONE. She jumps super high, she does air flip, and she lands on her feet as if nothing happened! All that in slow motion! Amazing! It’s true Matrix Cat. Who knows, cats are so popular these days, maybe we’ll get a Matrix sequel: CATrix! nJokes aside, all cats are super agile! The reason for that stands in the fact that a cat's spine can rotate more than the spines of most other animals, so they can pull stunts like the cat from our video. Also, they are flexible, elastic, fast, plus, cats can jump from a seated position, nine times their height. Obviously, they are not the breed you want to mess around with. You’ll see what we mean once you see the video of our Matrix Cat!"

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