Comments 27-30: The Call to Action: Empowering Black Communities

6 months ago

Comment Number 27 is on the Jenni Rren Unedited channel. Comment Number 28 is on the Truth and Edutainment channel. Comment Number 29 is on the Baba TV Every Time Fire channel and Comment Number 30 is on the Key of Life Productions channel. Social media is a talk, picture and/or video show and a forum that has its place and purpose and will continue to be needed as a venue, however, these forums cannot build neighborhoods or communities. This must be done offline. Black people have literally been enslaved since the Egyptian Empire over 3,000 years ago. Our concern now should be focused on the present and the future. Black youths have been the greatest casualties of the "DO NOTHING CIVIL RIGHTS GENERATION". America never was and never will be what you have been taught to believe. Black people are tolerated. That's it.

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