Dan Wilson For Kootenai County Sheriff Answers Citizens Questions #video #rumble

3 months ago

Dan Wilson For Kootenai County Sheriff Answers Citizens Questions #video #idaho #police #rumble

Dan Wilson is running against Sheriff Bob Norris of Kootenai County, located in North Idaho. Sheriff Norris became the Sheriff in Kootenai County in January of 2021. Dan Wilson has lived in the Pacific Northwest, which includes Spokane, WA & Coeur D'Alene region his whole life, while the current Sheriff, Bob Norris, moved to Idaho a few years before the 2020 election. Some people of Kootenai County have been dismissing and discrediting Dan Wilson because he didn't live in Kootenai County. At the same time, Bob Norris also wasn't raised or lived in Kootenai County. Bob Norris supporters give him a free pass in regards to that topic.

There have been several questions that locals have been wanting to ask the candidate who is running to be Sheriff. Here in this interview, I asked Dan questions that locals have sent in.
If you are looking for more information about Dan Wilson, you can go to his site www.theidahosheriff.com

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