"Dog Knocks Down A Camera"

6 years ago

"Who doesn’t love those lovely, sunny days when all you do is enjoy the outdoors. The lady from this video decided to spend some time with her dogs, two adorable Goldies, and film them while they’re having fun. However, one of the doggos decided to jump on her (we guess - out of pure happiness) and he knocked the camera down! The lady was so surprised, she made a super funny sound. We had to hit the replay button several times to hear it again and again. Hilarious! nNow, after laughing our hearts out, we had to ask ourselves, why do dogs jump on humans? We’re not talking bad dogs, we are talking good dogs who have the urge to jump on any human being around them. The answer is simple - it’s their way of greeting. Dogs like to sniff and lick peoples’ faces and our faces are high, so they need to jump in order to be close to us. So, if a dog jumps on you, don’t be scared! He just wants to say hi!"

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