The "Kalergi Plan" Part III Their Plan to rule the world by mass migration, except a few nations.

1 year ago

This video (PART III), continued from Part II, is the globalists goal to a One World Government, while a few rule the world. By Matthew North of his collection, and compilation of material.
This is carried out by, causing war in a country, driving out the so-called refuges into countries they want to overtake (Europe, US, Canada, etc.). The world will be divided up into ten areas, each governed by a globalist chosen, not elected.
Note: Their are few countries that DO NOT ACCEPT any migration of illegals into their nations such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, China and a few others). These nations push for immigration, but they will not accept any, which has been a push by jewish leaders from Israel, US and Europe, by orders from the "300". They are pushing for a return to Babylon at an accelerated rate. Europe, the UK for the most part has fallen, the US has over 50 million illegals in the nation. Without deportation, and all foreign aid/loans stopped, aid given to illegals, it is only a matter of time, the US will be overtaken by illegals.
The real truth, going back to Israel, they do not take any immigrants, unless they complete a background check on them, they are of their race, they convert to becoming a jew, and denounce all other religions. In Europe, the US, many have dual citizenship (US/Israel), many in Congress, who for decades, have given free aid to Israel, while Israel has conspired to kill Americans (USS Liberty, Benghazi attack, 9/11 and more) to create war, in order to do many things to their benefit. One thing to keep in mind, these jews are the same bloodlines driven out of the middle east after the ver same ones, crucified Jesus Christ. In modern times they worked there way back into Palestine, and have litterly taken over Palestine. Israel's map of conquest, does not stop there, they intend on parts of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. Look how much they have grown since they dribble in, in the mid 1800's, then in the 1930's, 1948, 1965, and today.
These 2 videos show reality, not racism, anti semite (which prior had to do with Arab's, now the definition has been changed to fit the narrative), but the truth of what is really going on. The Bible (Revelation especially), is unfolding before our eyes.
If anyone really wanted to help, wars need to stop, countries that need help, the bankers need to help them in their countries, keep them in their own land, help them prosper their own country.

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