the whereabouts of Qin Gang remains a mystery

4 months ago

2/28/2024 The CCP's statement of "resignation from the representative position" is unlikely to bring an end to the "Searching for Qin" saga, and the whereabouts of Qin Gang remains a mystery. The introduction of the Law of the PRC on Guarding State Secrets is suspected to be related to Qin Gang
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #QinGang #LawofthePRConGuardingStateSecrets
2/28/2024 中共一句“辞去代表职务” 恐怕难让“寻秦记”就此落幕,秦刚下落不明仍成谜!中共国《保守国家秘密法》的出台被怀疑跟秦刚有关。
#中共 #消灭中共 #秦刚 #保守国家秘密法

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