Tucker Carlson: Mao Zedong's intense hatred for the Chinese shocked me

11 months ago

2/27/2024 [Tucker Carlson interview Xi Van Fleet] Tucker Carlson: Mao Zedong's intense hatred for the Chinese shocked me! Xi Van Fleet : We've always been taught to be grateful to Mao; during the Cultural Revolution, he became the god of the Chinese people
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CulturalRevolution #MaoZedong
2/27/2024【卡尔森采访西姐】塔克·卡尔森: 毛泽东如此憎恨中国人让我震惊!西姐: 我们一直被教导要对毛心怀感恩,文革中他俨然成了中国人的上帝
#中共 #消灭中共 #文化大革命 #毛泽东

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