How to shift to the 5th Dimension – The Mandela Effect explained – ET Contact – BASHAR – Darryl Anka

3 months ago

Darryl Anka, who channels Bashar, explains how we can launch or shift into the 5th dimension.

We have to think in terms of Parallel Realities. Different versions of Earth exist right now. We are constantly shifting many times per second. That is how we create the experience of time and space. Our consciousness is shifting through frames, like on a film strip. That creates the idea of the movement of space and time and change.

You never really change the world you are on. You change YOURSELF. You change the Vibration you are on. This will navigate you into versions of Earth as you are shifting that are more and more and more reflective of the vibration YOU are in.

Bashar calls this the Splitting Prism. Right now we are seeing every possible choice come up. We are seeing positive and negative coming to forefront on a very strong level.

This is the time of CHOICE. Do I want to choose that or do I want to choose this?

Do I want to change that way or do I want to change this way?

Eventually, the choices that you make will SOLIDIFY you into a particular tract, a particular direction, which will allow you to experience a particular version of Earth. Simultaneously, people making different choices will experience a different version of Earth. So, ultimately, we will no longer interact with those people and the will no longer interact with us.

In the years to come we will only find ourselves interacting with those who are on a similar vibrational level. It will seem like those others have died or gone away and we lose touch with them as the Earth crystalizes and the people go off into different directions.

Our future will be determined by the Choices we are making right now. You can choose to go negative you can choose to go positive.

The world we see now doesn’t mean that we are in it.

What we must realize is that others do NOT effect us. We only effect ourselves from the belief systems we formulate. If you believe you have to match their frequency, then that is what you experience.

Even though the world is presenting an ugly version, that is not the reality that we must choose to be in. The reality we experience is our choice, we manifest it, but most of us do not know that this is how it works. We are focused too much on the external vs the internal.

You have to be who and what you want to be.

The splitting prism is the pulling apart of multiple versions of Earth. Time and Space are an illusion and all the versions of Earth are here, right now. In a sense, they are more like shifting through us than we are shifting through them.

It is like when we watch TV, we only see the channel we are tuned to. If you change the channel, you see a different program, that doesn’t mean the program you were just watching is gone. Metaphorically speaking, it is all happening in the same TV set.

It all depends on what frequency we are in to what “program” we are getting.

When we change the NOW, we also change the Past.


The past is an illusion. Everything is NOW. Everything is present. The idea of the past is just another version of the present in sort of a parallel world. We are focused on the idea of linear time, so we look at it like the past and the future. But, they all are going on right now. Everything exists simultaneously.

If we change ourselves now, to make sense logically, in a linear way of thinking, you had to have a different past to the person you have become now.

When we can wrap our mind around this, we really do begin experiencing a different past.

This is what we call the Mandela Effect. It doesn’t mean that every case is this, sometimes we just have faulty memory.

What is really mind blowing is that people really are remembering different histories and BOTH of them are TRUE.

The parallel realities are expanding in consciousness and awareness, which is reflective on us and vice versa. So, we can be talking to someone we grew up with who completely has the memory of a different past than you do. But, both pasts are true. They are parallel realities and both exist simultaneously.

True Harmony is Validating all the Differences between us.

It’s like a puzzle in which all the pieces have a different shape but if you are the shape you were made to be, you FIT with ALL the other pieces.

If the shape is the same as the others, it doesn’t fit and there is no where for it to go.

If we are our true selves our shape will fit with everyone else’s because our differences augment their differences.

We don’t have to be all the same, our differences just have to be compatible. It is like a marriage, your differences have to be compatible.

40 Years is about the Earth cycle in which changes occur.

Now we can prepare for open contact with our Alien families / friends.

We have evolved enough that contact is getting close. Bashar calls this Year One to the Countdown of Contact.
Bashar is calling this the Interstellar Alliance Alien Social Experience step one of several steps which will have to be repeated to build you into a different perspective, a different mind set which will change your frequency to be in alignment with the Interstellar’s.

You can go to the website listed below to learn more about this “Interstellar Alliance Social Experience.”

If you liked this, you may like this: ***Dimensions and Timelines Explained – Channeling Erik --


Darryl Anka’s Website – Bashar –

basharspeak --


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END. 3/3/2024.

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