United States Department of Justice Complaint February 13, 2020

3 months ago

Dear United States Department of Justice,
I was a member of the first cohort of the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency Program (LAUTR). I taught 3 years at West Adams Preparatory High School where I cleared my teaching credentials in Physics and Math. Afterward I taught AP Physics 1 and Physics at Huntington Beach High School where I encountered massive corruption and a "blackmail ring" known as "green spoon" where teachers were encouraged to create a "hostile work environment" by digging "dirt" on each other, send the "dirt" to the departments, and embrace their "inner North Korean and inform on your fellow teachers".
The other AP Physics teacher, Melissa Taylor, hadn't cleared her teaching credentials and saw me as an obstacle to her getting Seniority. The AP Environmental Science (APES) teacher, Carissa Rice, saw me as an obstacle to her expanding her APES course. These science teachers falsely claimed they perceived my Christian Books with registered copyrights as "threatening" to slander me and defame me to the Administration. Because I complained that I was being intimidated and not rehired, Huntington Beach Union High School District staged a premeditated lockdown on October 6, 2015 to try to frame/defame me while I was teaching Conceptual Physics at Northview High School in Covina.
Huntington Beach Union High School District then colluded with Los Angeles Unified School District to extort money from me by falsely claiming I had received a wage overpayment from LAUSD on the day I received my first payment from
HBUHSD. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources has been retaliating against me for being a Whistleblower.
The Orange County California Courts are committing fraud and "fake hearings" to illegally retaliate against
Whistleblowers. I was kidnapped this week on February 10, 2020 by Judge Sherri L. Honer. Judge Sherri L. Honer knowingly aided and abetted Political Terrorist/Enemy Combatant Carolee Ogata, who was retaliating against Whistleblower, Chad Clawitter. Carolee Ogata was self-identified as a Political Terrorist/Enemy Combatant in her own documents. Carolee Ogata self-identified herself as Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for Huntington Beach Union High School District who was retaliating against a Whistleblower who had filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint against Huntington Beach Union High School District in her own court documents. Carolee Ogata identified Chad Clawitter as a Whistleblower who had filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Complaint against Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) (for ongoing discrimination based on
"Religion", "Retaliation", and "Other"), had filed a complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice identifying Carolee Ogata as an "Enemy Combatant" who is conducting psychological operations, and had sent a letter on December 15, 2015 to HBUHSD requesting a response to his official complaint to the District dated November 25, 2015 from Carolee Ogata's supervisor and instructing Carolee Ogata to cease and desist sending personal documents, letters, or contacting him in any way. Carolee Ogata self-identified herself in her own court documents as obstructing justice by blackmailing Judge Sherri L. Honer who was "in bed" with her and was committing treason (United States Constitution Article 3. Section 3.) by aiding and abetting her. Carolee Ogata's own court documents signed by Judge Sherri L. Honer are a Confession of her treason in open Court. Carolee Ogata identified her accomplices (who were "in bed" with her) in her own court documents.
(1) Carolee Ogata [Case # 30-2017 / 00908984]
(3) Angela Harding [Case # 30-2017 / 00908997]
(5) lan Dominelli [Case # 30-2017 / 00909013]
(2) Kay Nakauchi [Case # 30-2017 / 00908978]
(4) Melissa Taylor [Case # 30-2017 / 00909050]
(6) Carissa Rice [Case # 30-2017 / 00908993]
The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter had previously sent a complaint July 14, 2016 to the Attorney General of California (Kamala Harris) against the Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD) who were aiding and abetting the Political Terrorist/Enemy Combatant Carolee Ogata, which explicitly states "Carolee Ogata deserves to be in prison for obstruction of justice, corruption, malicious acts of terror, intimidation, defamation, and discrimination." In Carolee Ogata's own court documents, she confesses to colluding with Officer Joel Petersen and Officer Jeremy Roberts of the Huntington Beach Police Department to retaliate against Whistleblower Chad Clawitter, In Carolee Ogata's own court

documents, she identifies herself as being "in bed" with Detective Trent Tunstall, Sergeant Aaron Garrido, and Robert Handy of the Huntington Beach Police Department regarding their attempt to frame the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter for the Lockdown at Huntington Beach High School October 6, 2015 while the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter was teaching at Northview High School in Covina. Judge Timothy J. Stafford and Judge Nathan R. Scott had subsequently knowingly aided and abetted her accomplices. A "fake hearing" was held by Judge Timothy J. Stafford (Department C66) on 6/20/2017 to recuse himself and have Nathan R. Scott (Department C12) do a "cover-up"; the "notice" for the "fake hearing" sent in mail to Whistleblower Chad Clawitter afterward on 6/21/2017. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter would literally need a time machine to attend the "fake hearing". A court-appointed attorney appointed by Nathan R.
Scott pled guilty to "Contempt of Court" charges while Chad Clawitter was under duress. The Orange County California Courts are committing fraud and "fake hearings" to frame the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter to cover-up their illegal retaliation against Whistleblowers, obstruction of justice, and treason. On January 10, 2020, Judge Sherri L. Honer (Department C66) was served a copy of the U.S. Department of Justice complaint identifying Carolee Ogata as an
"Enemy Combatant", and was instructed to arrest the Political Terrorist/Enemy Combatant Carolee Ogata or be subject to treason charges for aiding and abetting her. Judge Sherri L. Honer (Department C66) postponed the "Contempt of Court" hearing to February 10, 2020. On February 10, 2020 Judge Sherri L. Honer had an alleged court-appointed attorney brought into the court without Chad Clawitter's permission. Chad Clawitter informed Judge Sherri L. Honer that he rejected the alleged court-appointed attorney as his counsel. Judge Sherri L. Honer illegally continued the hearing as if the alleged court-appointed attorney was still the council of Whistle-blower Chad Clawitter. The bailiff moved the microphone away from Whistle-blower Chad Clawitter. When Whistleblower Chad Clawitter reached to get the microphone back, the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter was pushed to the ground, kidnapped in handcuffs without being read his "Miranda Rights", wheeled out of the court room without his glasses so he couldn't see what was happening, and sent to what he was told was an Orange County jail. The Whistleblower told the people at the alleged jail that he had been kidnapped, but they kept him confined until 5:30 AM the next morning. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter was forced to be fingerprinted at the alleged jail and sign documents for his release while he was under duress after being kidnapped with his glasses taken from him. When the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter was released from the alleged jail, he immediately ran to the court parking lot 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Anna California 92701 where his car was still parked on top level to be visible to satellites. On January 11, 2020, the morning after being kidnapped and having his property stolen, the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter called (714) 834-6482 to set an appointment at 8:30 AM to retrieve his property at 320 North Flower Street, Santa Anna, CA 92703. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter retrieved his property at around 8:30 AM January 11, 2020 checking the stolen property for any paperwork for additional hearings; there was no paperwork for any additional court hearings. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter drove straight home to his apartment 8127 Capobella Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter received a phone call at 11:23AM from an "unknown caller" with "No Caller ID". The "unknown caller" sounded like the alleged court-appointed attorney brought in by Judge Sherri L. Honer that the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter had rejected as his counsel; the man said that there had been a court hearing held by Judge Sherri L. Honer that day January 11, 2020, and he had showed up to it the place of Whistleblower Chad Clawitter. The Whistleblower Chad Clawitter told the man that his life had been destroyed by Political Terrorists and hung up. The Orange County California Courts are committing fraud and "fake hearings" to frame the Whistleblower Chad Clawitter, kidnap him, and hold him hostage under duress to cover-up their illegal retaliation against Whistleblowers, obstruction of justice, and treason/sedition against the Constitution of the United States of America.
Chad Joseph Clawitter 2/13/2020
(Former Physics & Honors Physics Teacher at West Adams Preparatory High School/ Physics & AP Physics Teacher at Huntington Beach High School / Conceptual Physics Teacher at Northview High School)















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