The Book Of Luke Chapter 21 Starting In Verse 5 We Must Not Be Stagnant And Complacent.

4 months ago

Revelation 3:14-22 will happen. We are sharing this warning message as a comment to all posts of a Christian nature.
As Jesus said in Matthew 10:27, "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops."
As God said, it is foolishness to non-believers and we understand that.
Believers, though, hopefully, will know it is wisdom from God.
The Book Of Luke Chapter 21 Starting In Verse 5 We Must Not Be Stagnant And Complacent. We are warned in Luke 21 and Matthew 24 to be ready and to be aware what will take place before Jesus returns. Many are excited to know, based on what is going on in the world, that Jesus is coming back soon. Yes, it is exciting, and if that is our only focus, we will not be aware of what we should be doing.
The institutional church is too busy though, keeping believers focusing on things other than what is written in God's word. Many believers will not be ready because, thinking maybe, they are doing what God wants, but instead they will be doing the works of the church. How busy we get in November and December focusing on a holiday created by the institutional church. Again, we are busy in February, March and April focusing on a holiday created by the institutional church. Many get caught up in the summer planning for VBS, gatherings, vacations, conferences. In addition, even though it should never be part of the worship of God, we have worldly holidays, mothers and father's day, Memorial Day, fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and so many more.
On top of all the holidays and preparations for these holidays, leaders are encouraging believers to get involved with the world and the awful "un"Christian things the world is doing. While those things are truly awful, we were never called to fix such things, we are called to share Jesus and be ready for the return of Jesus.
What if during the "churches" business, Jesus comes back, are we prepared? If we are all caught up in the "churches" nonsense, how is it possible to be looking at what goes on in God's house and recognizing it has nothing to do with God's plans? The focus should be on what God wants us to do and what is written in His word. The institutional church is on their own path and is leading astray those who are not paying attention to God's word alone.
The signs are all around us and we must be about our Father's business, not the institutional churches business. If not today, when will we open our eyes and come out of the institutional church and get our eyes only on Jesus and the Word of God. Do not be deceived, come out from the institutional church now before it is too late. Take the word seriously and be vigilant and ready for Jesus' return.
Don't follow man and the lukewarm institutional church, come out from there and follow Jesus alone! He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.
Please take the time to listen to this video to get the full warning message.

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