Neuroscientist Kevin McCairn: Is This A Coordinated Assault on Humanity?

10 months ago

Dr Kevin McCairn in discussion with Jeanee Rose Andrewartha from Health Alliance Australia, explores the evidence regarding amyloidogenic sequences being used by the biowarfare medical countermeasures industry, in their so-called "vaccines". He refers to the work of Sofie Nyström and Per Hammarström, in which their work could only be published once they removed all reference to the "vaccines" such that it reads that only infection with SARS-CoV-2 can be considered responsible for this phenomenon. This ignores the fact that the amyloidogenic rubbery clots were only observed after the vaccine rollout in 2021, as well as the known mechanisms of harm relating to mRNA injections, including frameshifting.

Doctors and scientists across the globe, reporting on findings such as this and other concerning issues (eg DNA contamination) are observing that, and asking why, the medical literature is censoring scientific findings. The answer seems to be because the high impact medical journals are now owned by the pharmaceutical / bio-military industrial complex.

See the work of Sofie Nyström and Per Hammarström here: (December 2021); and (September 2023)


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