Adorable Baby Revs Herself Up To Try And Crawl, Blows Raspberries Instead

7 years ago

This video is fairly simple in execution and content. That, however, does not make this video any less cute and adorable. This baby is super cute.

Normally, when you see a kid doing raspberries it's just annoying but this baby is absolutely adorable!

Our sweet friend is lying on a living room floor. We think her family is encouraging her to crawl. She starts trying to get going. Somehow in attempting to get herself moving she just starts blowing raspberries. It is super cute and it honestly sounds like she is trying to get herself revved up. Almost like she is a tiny, tiny car that is trying to get her engine going. Her family keeps offering her encouragement and you can hear her raspberries get louder and bit longer, like her engine is starting to get going.

She's revving up to start moving. It's so cute when she finally gets going, how far can she go?

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