Prophet Julie Green - You Need to be Prepared for What is Coming - Captions

1 year ago

God has imparted a prophetic message emphasizing the importance of prayer for President Trump and the upcoming election. He reveals the enemy's desperate attempts to control the narrative and the election outcome, referring to Biden as their puppet. The prophecy suggests that the enemy had plans for election fraud in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016, which were thwarted by Trump's victory. Now, their focus has shifted to controlling the House, Senate, and Supreme Court to ensure they can impeach Trump should he win in 2024. God urges believers to pray for discernment in Trump's selection of a vice president, as the enemy aims to place a puppet next to him to maintain control.

God encourages His children not to fear but to stand firm in His Word and authority, using it to combat the enemy's schemes. He reminds them of the power and dominion granted to mankind, urging them to pray for the right vice presidential pick and the protection of the 2024 election. The Lord assures that He is exposing the enemy's plans, including secret conversations and strategies, to prepare His people for the coming revelations. He emphasizes the importance of unity in prayer and the power of agreement in invoking divine intervention in political matters.

In a powerful declaration, God states that He will expose the architects and blueprints of the enemy's plots, bringing their plans to nothing. He warns of a coming darkness that will test the faith of many, but assures His children of His supernatural deliverance. God calls for trust in Him over any man and promises a display of His glory unlike anything seen before. He prepares His people for abrupt changes and shakings, urging them to hold on and proclaim victory, as He will ultimately triumph over evil and corruption, restoring His divine order.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


James 4:7 (resist the devil)
Matt. 18:18-20 (CEV)
Num. 13:30 (Joshua and Caleb – we are more than able)
Matt. 24:24 (Even the elect can be deceived)
Matt. 12:22-28 (A house divided cannot stand)
Luke 10:19-20 (CEV, MSG)
Ps. 23:4 (even in the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil)
Isa. 55:11 (God’s words do not return to him void)
Ps. 33:10
Num. 11:23 (CEV, MSG)
Gen. 1:26-28
Eph. 6:17 (the Sword of the Spirit)
Isa. 54:17 (no weapon formed against you)
Ps. 91:7-8 (1,000 may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand)
Jer. 1:12; Heb. 10:23 (Faithful to perform My Word)
2 Cor. 2:14 (triumphant victory)

You are in the Army of the Lord and He is undefeated. You are called to battle, but you are destined to win!

God needs you prepared for this season. You prepare by reading the Bible, spending time with the Lord, and getting with Him in prayer.

Focus on what God is doing. He is doing a new thing.

Prophecies referenced during today’s broadcast:

His Glory Rumble channel:
Take FiVe with Pastor Dave 02.14.23 -

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, February 15th of 2024. And I just want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. I'm just going to tell you this at the beginning that I had a plan. I have a couple of prophetic words up here and I don't know if I'm going to get to them today.

I have a feeling the Lord is going to change the direction of this live show today, which I love it when he does that because he's the one who obviously he is in control. So I Am excited to see what he has to reveal to each and every one of us today. So I want to make sure that rumble is working properly.

Yep, it is. Okay. All right now today I So first i'm gonna start with this with this if you guys missed the live show with pastor dave and I yesterday I would suggest you go watch it. I will Have the team share that link in the description box for you or I will share it later on and i'll put it in the description box myself.

It's it's it's a timely live show and I think you all need to watch it if you did not and maybe even at some point we will actually share it on our channel as well because I'll be gone a lot in the next three weeks. And so again, I think it's very imperative right now. That we all are hearing the word of God.

We're hearing the truth of almighty God, but we're also hearing the confirmation that God is giving in this hour so that we can stay steadfast and we can stay focused on what he is wanting us. To know and what he is wanting us to focus on and not what the enemy wants us to focus on in this time. So one of the things that I, it's pressing in my heart this morning I gave a little bit of this prophetic word out yesterday to pastor Dave and one of them was regarding president Trump.

And so I know that the Lord is going to have me have you guys pray with me today and interceding on his behalf. What the enemies are trying to do. And of course we know they're, they're not going to get what they so desire, but God has also told us in his word that we are supposed to bind, we're supposed to rebuke, we're supposed to forbid, we are supposed to re rebuke the devil or resist the devil and he must flee from us.

So we're supposed to rebuke we're supposed to resist we're supposed to push back. We're supposed to bind We're supposed to use the authority of almighty god And also when i'm gone i'm going to make sure that I have some teachings out to you regarding the authority Of the believer how much authority that you do have in the name of jesus How much authority that you do have when you use the word of god and that you are not alone And when you're using god's when you're using his words, it's his power, it's his authority and you are just in agreement with him.

And so I'm going to go over those teachings with you as well. Okay. But this morning I really am impressed to and I, and I know the Lord is going to have another word. I could feel it this morning when I was getting on here. I, before I got on here I heard a, a very powerful word that the Lord had given me regarding being prepared.

We are coming into a season where we need to prepare in the word of God. And that's the reason why in his last couple of years, he's had me do these teachings. He's had me give you these revelation and also prophecies. Is because this is a time to prepare because things are going on and we can see that now You can see that with all these different prophecies and and i'm going to give you Just a couple of them again.

Some of these have been already being fulfilled I gave some of them out yesterday during yesterday's broadcast with pastor dave So, as we can see what happened started happening last week Is people start talking about the 25th amendment. So I'm going to start giving some of these prophecies that are being fulfilled right now.

Then I'm going to go into what the Lord wants me to go into today was with prayer. And I know there's going to be another word at some point. And yes, I do see in the chat. Yes, we should pray for Tucker Carlson. I will be doing that today. As well because there's people that are being used by almighty God, whether they know it or not, they need our protection, which is praying for them.

They need it for us to intercede on their behalf. All right. Now, last week they started talking about the 25th amendment. All over the news, it was everywhere. The cognitive functionality of Biden. We can see that it is failing and it's falling faster than in the last couple of weeks, it's been absolutely positively horrible.

And so this is nothing to laugh at, but we do have to know that the God has been, he's been saying this to us. He's been talking to us about these things that were going to happen. So these are prophecies from May, June, July, and August of 2022. So almost two years ago that the Lord was been talking to us and warning us about this 25th amendment and how it was going to be used.

For the signaling of the fall of the Biden. And so the first one I'm going to give to you is the prophecy from June 28th of 2022. And it's called the Eagle is being set free. All right. And this is from, again, from this word, the Eagles being set free. And it says, my children listened to the number 25.

Oh yes. It's being discussed on how to do it and when it, and it says, Lord, yes. Lord question mark. So it's like people are asking, Lord, what does this mean? And he's answering. Yes. The 25th amendment. The next moves by the globalists will be obvious. They are letting the Biden fall. So once you start hearing the 25th amendment, that is a signal.

That they are letting him fall and that huge document that came out last week with that investigation with the Biden and all of those classified documents. That was huge into his cognitive ability and his functionality and how he cannot even stand trial. And if he can't stand trial, then he should not be able to stand for being president.

Here's another one. Received May 25th of 2022, great losses and great upsets are coming to your enemies. That is what the prophecy is under. And then the 25th amendment will continue to be brought up against, sorry, the 25th will continue to be brought up against the Biden. All right. The 25th, which is the 25th amendment will continue to be brought up against the Biden.

Here's another one from July 29th. From 2022 it's all coming to a close guys been saying a lot lately now This one says impeach impeach. They will start to say and some will start to shout 25th amendment. So what did they do first the first they started the impeachment inquiry? Against the Biden and what's going on with hunter and that laptop again all prophecies God's been talking about laptops.

God's been talking about the fall of Hunter, which is going to signal the fall of the Biden. Okay, these all play in together. Then God said, okay, again, he says, impeach, impeach, they will start to say, and some will start to shout the 25th amendment. They are trying to remove the Biden. So now you know they're trying to remove the Biden.

You can see it. Without people knowing what is really going on with him. Some people are admitting it on lamestream media. Some people are still trying to hide it. He says, but it won't work. The world will know the full truth regarding the Biden say at the Lord. Now, again, this is from July 29th of 2022.

And you know that because they are talking about replacing him. They're talking about the 25th amendment. They're talking about his cognitive ability and functionality. They're even talking about how he's lying continuously. There are so many things that are going on right now that are working.

They think for them hiding him at the same time of them making him fall. They want it to be when and where they want to choose. When all of this happens, they don't want this again, he's out of control. His cognitive ability and functionality is not lasting as long as they thought it would. And so he's falling faster.

So now they're trying to figure out what to do. But again, God said, the first thing that was going to signal the fall of the Biden is impeach impeach, which the impeachment inquiry was first, they will start to say, and some will start to shout the 25th amendment. They are trying to remove the Biden without people knowing what is really going on with him, but it won't work.

The world will know the full truth regarding the Biden. 86 percent of people in this country believe that he is too old and does not have the cognitive ability to, to go for another term. 86 percent of this nation, 86 percent of this country believe that. So again, This is what these prophecies were saying.

Here's another one. There's more. I'm only got four up right here. Wash is fake and fraudulent. This is from August 16th. Sorry. Your enemy's plans are being, are denied. Wash is fake and fraudulent government continue to fail more and more. New stations will become more bold in pointing out their failures.

No more propping up the Biden, his fall will be seen by the world, say it the Lord of Hosts. You can start to see right now that there are many news stations, even the lamestream media, like CNN and MSNBC, and that they're actually talking about that. They're actually talking about that he should, well, hide in a basement.

They're talking about how there's even CNN that was even covering some of his lies and they were fact checking him. They're also questioning, because of that document that came out, they're questioning his ability to be able to function as the President of the United States of America, which we know he's not, he's the resident.

Because you had to be president in order to be present you had to be elected Well, if you have a fake election, then you're not a president But again, they are also now in those news stations talking about it There are some people trying to prop him up still Again, because they want to wait god said in a prophetic word that I shared out with pastor dave yesterday That I will be giving out to you when I'm gone.

There are a lot of things that are going to happen before that Democratic National Convention. And I think it's either in June or July of this year. I don't exactly know which, where it is. I think it's June or July. So again, there's a lot of things that are going to happen. And you're going to start to see a cognitive decline even greater in Biden now.

You can start seeing him slipping faster. It's going to continue to slip even quicker than we've seen in the past. So again, God has been revealing all these things to us. Before all these things happened two years before this stuff started happening two years before that impeachment or a year and a half for that impeachment inquiry on the president or on the Biden and on also the 25th amendment.

So I just wanted to encourage you with that before I go on now, again, we need to start praying for president Trump. Because the reason for these things is there's something in a prophetic word that the Lord had given me. Again, I will give the full prophecy out. Let me pull this up. I'm just going to pull up a section of it.

That he wants me to share so we can start praying

and I do believe he'll he will give a word. More regarding this or Regarding something I can feel it my spirit that he's going to want to give out a word today All right. Now this is from february 13th. So this was from two days ago. The lord had given this to me. This part he really wants us to pray about.

He says, your enemies are desperate to control him. They're desperate to control the narrative and to who controls the next election and the outcome. They so desire. So when they're saying controlling him, you obviously know they're trying to control the Biden. He is their puppet. There are many prophecies.

They're gonna come out regarding the Biden, and there's gonna be more revelation about how they're using him and who's really controlling him. He says, they have said many times in private. Now God's revealing now secret conversations that the enemies have had in private. He says they've said many times in private, they cannot have another replay of 2016.

Well, what happened in 2016? They had already set up election fraud in order for Hillary Clinton to win. Their plan was for her to have the next eight years. Well, when she lost the 2016 election, their plans were destroyed. And so then they had to come up with another plan. And they came up with Biden.

Then it goes on to say, but of that were to take place, if that were to take place now, if the 2016 election were to take place again, which is in 2024, that means Trump's win or Trump's victory. We will make sure we have control of the house, control of the Senate, and we will continue to control the Supreme court if he wins.

We will just impeach him and remove him out of the way. They have wolves next to my David and want him to pick their person for his VP. This is what we had to pray about today. So then they can get rid of the Biden. They can remove him out of the way they can get rid of president Trump. And then they can have what they want, which is they want Trump to pick their VP.

Why? Because they're sabotaging, not only they're trying to sabotage this election, they're also trying to sabotage his presidency just in case they don't, they lose this election. Now, am I telling you any of this to put you in fear? No, I'm not. Am I telling you this because we should be, you know, panicked about what's going to happen to President Trump in the next election?

No. But why is God telling us this? He's telling us this because he said in his word. And Luke 10, 19, that he's given us all power, authority, and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm us. So he's giving us the plans of the enemy. Why? Why is he giving us the plans of the enemy?

Because people automatically think Everything is gonna go hunky dory and nothing's gonna be going wrong and God is saying I have given you power Authority and dominion in this earth over all the power of the enemy Well, if he's given us all power and authority and dominion over the power of the enemy But if God was gonna do it all and didn't expect it for us to do anything Then why would he say it's that why would he tell us that in that scripture?

Also, why does he say this now? I love this version I don't usually use the CEV for anything, honestly, but I heard a minister talk about the CEV translation the other day, and I've been looking into that translation more. So the CEV translation is a contemporary English version. All right. Now I'm on Bible gateway on Bible gateway.

I go there when I study, I can study different translations all at one time. So I have a parallel Bible. I have the New King James on one side and I have the Classic Amplified version on the other. So I study both. But then when he really wants me to get my attention, I will start looking into different versions of different translations of different, of these scriptures in order to get, there's greater revelation in them.

So he had me look up Matthew 18. Again, this is talking about power, authority, and dominion and what part we have to play. It's not just that we go to the ballot box. Yes, it's important to go to a ballot box and it's important for us to vote, but that is a man's way of victory. All right. God is saying the greatest way to victory in any circumstance is by prayer and by using the word of God.

So in order to go up to this next election. Now, God says he's going to do things in unconventional, unprecedented, and unusual ways. And he is. If you haven't seen that in the last few days of all the exposures that guy's been talking about, more prophecy is being fulfilled by the information that is being released.

Last night there was more information being released about how Obama had spied on President Trump and he had the CIA Sabotaging him with a Russian collusion. All these things are coming out and there's more that's gonna come out The Lord just gave me a huge prophecy this morning on What is coming out and it is massive Something that the news media isn't even all talking about yet.

God is going to reveal the full truth of what happened to him and president Trump in 2016, what happened in 2020 and what's happening now in 2024. He's revealing to us also what's happening leading up to 2016. And 2020 and 2024 and what they did previously to that, God is going to reveal all the things that they have done.

But again, we have to be prepared and there's things that we have to do in this time. God is warning us. So I'm going to read to you Matthew 18, 18 through 20, chapter 18, verses 18 through 20. And I'm going to read it to you out of the CEV. I'm getting ready for us to pray. But I want you guys to have these scriptures and to know when you are praying, and you have to intercede on behalf of President Trump or behalf of your family or behalf of your nation, you need to know the scriptures that God is giving you to use.

All right, Matthew 18 in verse 18. I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever You allow on earth. Now that's huge right there. I promise you God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth. Then it goes on to say, but God will not allow anything You don't allow, I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my father in heaven will do it for you.

Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I Am here with you. Well, we're right now, as of right now, there's 17, 000, almost 18, 000 people watching just on rumble. All right. And then on Facebook, I don't even hold on a minute on Facebook. There is. 875 as of right now. So you have, oh, now there's over 18,000 on Rumble, and you have over 800, almost 900,000 or not 800, sorry, on Facebook and I don't know how many on Twitter or X, whatever you wanna call it.

That's more than three people. And he's saying in this scripture, whenever two or three of you come together in my name. I Am there with you. Why do you think the enemy tries so hard to destroy the children of Almighty God? Why do you think he wants separation? Why do you think he wants division? Why?

Because if we come together and gather in his name He is with us Also when two are more it says when two of you on earth agree About something you are praying for when two of you on earth Agree About something you are praying for my father in heaven Will do it for you. That's why it's so important for unity in the body of christ right now Right now I'm having all of us together today.

We have to pray on behalf of President Trump. We have to pray on behalf of the 2024 election. We have to pray on behalf of the body of Christ to wake up. He's gonna have another thing for me about the great awakening that's happening in the body of Christ and how it needs to happen even quicker in this time period.

So I'm gonna read to you again why we are praying for President Trump for those who are just joining.

This is from February 13th. This is only one paragraph, only one paragraph of this entire prophecy. Your enemies are desperate to control him, which is the Biden, they are desperate to control the narrative. And to control who wins the next election and the outcome they so desire. So they're trying to control the Biden, which we already know that he's just a puppet and a yes man for the globalists and the Washington establishment.

They are desperate to control the narrative. That's why you see the lamestream media. Saying, and just, you know, spewing out everything that the globalists and the deep state or the Washington establishment want you to hear only what they want you to hear, but I'll tell you the truth. Then they wanted to control who wins the next election and the outcome they so desire.

Remember the Washington establishment. They have a unit party. They always have a fail safe. Okay. We have a person that we want for the democratic party and we have a person we want for the Republican party. So no matter who wins. The Washington establishment still wins. That has been the deep state and the swamp for years.

And we didn't know about it. There are presidents that I voted for that I'm ashamed. That I voted for thinking that they were good people and finding out they're not they were just part of the Washington establishment So god is revealing. This is what they're doing They're trying to control the narrative trying to control the biden They're trying to control the narrative trying to control the next election and the outcome So if they now he's saying they have said many times in private they cannot have another replay of 2016 This is what they're they're saying and god is giving us the insight of these conversations Then he said but Now he's going even further and showing you the plans, but if that were to take place, so Trump won 2024, which I know he's going to by a landslide.

They said this better take place. We will make sure we have control of the house. So now they're not just going to focus on stealing the presidential election. Now they're going to focus on stealing house seats and they're going to focus on stealing Senate seats because if they can't have a seat of the president.

Which they can already see that because even their fake polls are showing that Trump's winning by a lot over Biden in every, in every state even the swing states, he's winning by a lot in many states. So they're seeing that now. So now they have to have a failsafe where they have to say, okay, well, if he wins this election, even if we move, remove the Biden and put in, you know, Michelle or Gavin Newsom, which they're talking about that in lamestream media now, which I.

Again, guys have been talking about this for two years now. So even if he wins, they want to make sure they have the House, they want to make sure they have the Senate. So everyone is just worrying, we just want President Trump to win, we just want President Trump to win, we just want President Trump to win.

Well, yes we do. But you can't have the seat of the President and have a House and a Senate that's against him.

But watch. We will make sure that we have control of the Supreme Court. So if we can't have the executive branch is what they're saying. We're going to have every other one, because if he wins, we will just impeach him and remove him out of the way they have wolves. Now this is what God is saying. They're just going to try to impeach him and move him out of the way.

Now, again, this is nothing to fear. This is their plan. But how many times has God said that their plans don't ever go as planned? Then watch out what he says next. They have wolves next to my David and want him to pick their person for his VP. So if they can't get the president's seat, they put somebody next to him.

That's vice president. That's the deep state or the swamp. They impeach him. Then they get the presidency. This is what guys say. This is their plan. He's unfolding their plan in front of us. Then he goes on to say, so they can get rid of the Biden and they don't care if he loses. They can let Trump win.

They think they're going to let him win and they can just impeach him. And then they have who they want his vice president. This has happened before. People don't realize this, but this has happened before this happened. With John F. Kennedy. So just in case John F. Kennedy, he seemed like he was not part of this rumble.

He was not part of the establishment. He wasn't, he was actually going to out the CIA and what they were doing. And when that they found all these things out that he wasn't to keep that saying what happened with the CIA and what they were doing against this nation, they had him assassinated, but who did they have in for his vice presidency?

Lyndon B. Johnson. Well, John F. Kennedy did not want Lyndon B. Johnson. That was forced upon him. Why was it forced upon him? Because if they couldn't get John F. Kennedy to be a yes person, They were going to get his VP to be their yes person and that's exactly what happened. If you guys don't know about this, Tucker Carlson last year, he gave a lot of this and this was all proof that the CIA was in on the assassination of John F.

Kennedy. Now why wasn't that blown up everywhere? Why was that not? All over. And why didn't that go viral? Because people for 60 years wanted to know who killed John F. Kennedy. Well, you know who they said killed him really wasn't who killed him. That was a fall guy. There was another prophecy that the Lord had given me that Biden is the, this Washington establishment.

That's their fall guy. So you have all these things going on right now. So God is revealing to us again, what I'm reading to you in this prophecy, I've not given out yet. I'm only reading you one massive paragraph of what their plan is leading up to this election, their plan. During this election and after so what are we supposed to do about it?

What are we supposed to do? God is saying to us What we do is we use the power and authority that he's given to us. We need to pray on behalf of President Trump that he has a sermon from God that he picks the person that God wants him to pick. And I pray it is a person from Almighty God that's baptized in the Holy Ghost, tongue talking child of the Most High God, who has a sermon of the Holy Ghost, who knows what God is saying, and who will listen and obey what God is saying.

Whether it's a woman or man, I don't care as long as they're led by God and no one else. That's who President Trump needs by his side. Not just something somebody naturally who looks good as a good politician or who's really super smart or really loves this country It should be a person that is a child of Almighty God So then when two of them a president and a vice president are praying by such situation Remember what God said in Matthew 18 when two are of you on earth agree about something You are praying for my father in heaven will do it for you.

So you want a praying President, which I know President Trump does pray and he does lean on people to pray. And also you want a vice president that's going to lean on almighty God to pray. So then when two of them, when two of them, the two most powerful people in this nation in politics, if two of the most powerful people in our government are children of the most high God and they are led by almighty God, can you imagine the direction this country is going to take when God is in control of our government?

It's going to take a massive a massive direction change. And so what we have to do in this time, that's the reason why he gave me this part of this prophecy to pray with you, because we need to pray that there is a right vice president pick. We also need to pray that no matter what they do leading up to this next election, again, God allowed 2020.

If he didn't allow it, it never would have happened. He had to allow it. So we start knowing who he is. We start wakening up to what was going on in our nation. We start realizing the truth of the crimes and the criminals that are in control of our government and using God's given authority to remove them.

God is an unlimited God. God is saying He is, He is the Most High God. And remember, God's plan and God's will is unstoppable. There's nothing that's going to stop God. But we also, as children of the Most High God, we have to get in agreement with Him. Because we see in the children of Israel, while they were in the wilderness, they weren't in agreement with Almighty God.

And when they weren't in agreement with Almighty God, From believing in him and going right from Egypt, right into the promised land, they wandered around the wilderness because they did not agree with Almighty God. When Joshua and Caleb came out and said, we are more than able to take these giants and walk into that promised land, they chose to believe the people who said, we don't and we can't.

Right now we are in a very pivotal moment in our nation's history and the world that we have to choose Which report do we believe? Do we believe God's report that says that you are more able to tear down these walls and to tear down the Washington establishment and to tear down all these criminals and all these plots and plans and scheming Against you.

You have that power. You have authority. I've given it to you in my name We have that power to do it. God is saying we have the authority to do it. Now we just have to agree with God. God is telling us what they're doing with the 2024 election before they even get a chance to do it. He's telling you what they're going to try to do after president Trump wins the election and how their fail safes and what they're going to do with the, try to do with the presidential, a vice presidential pick, what they're going to try to do with the house seats, what they're going to try to do with the Senate seats.

And what is God telling us to do? God is telling us a clean house. Not just clean the physical, like, house of representatives, but clean house of our government, of any person that's against Almighty God. We have the power, we have authority to do it. Right now, there are so many people that are being deceived.

Even God's people, even God said, even his elect can be deceived. So he's given us his insight and revelation. There's something for us to do about it. And so I've given you what power and authority we have in Luke 10 19 and Matthew 18 18 through 19. Now I'm gonna read, let's read, hold on a minute. The Lord is bringing this up to me.

I want to look this up.

I'm gonna go on to the, again, I'm going on the Bible gateway. I look for different translations. So I'm gonna look up Luke 10 19 again We're prepping ourselves and preparing ourselves to pray the way God wants us to pray regarding a situation that he's just Revealed to us about what's gonna happen.

What well not what's gonna happen what they're gonna try to do But of course, we know that they fail so we have to be agreement with Almighty God. All right now This is Luke 10 19 in the C E V translation. I have given you the power to trample upon snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy, Satan.

Nothing can harm you. Again, I'm gonna read that again. I've given you the power to trample upon Snakes and scorpions to defeat the power of your enemy, Satan. Nothing can harm you. So he's given us more power and authority and dominion than the Washington establishment has. Or the globalists have. Or any of the elites have.

Or whoever is in trying to control we have more power than that and they know that we do and that's the reason why they made all these different denominations in the body of Christ as reason why they've made such a vision in the body of Christ because the Body of Christ is it unified then we are nothing against them because the house divided against itself cannot stand So let's read Luke 10 19 out of the message translation.

All right, listen to this This is Jesus speaking and Jesus said I know I saw Satan fall a bolt of lightning out of the sky. See what I have given you safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions and protection from every assault of the enemy. Do you hear what Jesus is saying? He is given a safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions and protection from every assault of the enemy.

Well, I would say them stealing election is an assault from the enemy. I would say that what they're trying to do against President Trump is an assault of the enemy. I would say what they're trying to do against our freedoms is an assault of the enemy. It's an assault and we have safe passage because we even remember it says in psalm 23 Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil We should not fear any evil at all So god is warning us about what they're going to try to do with the 2020 election and after the 2020 election If their pick does not get in if they lose They still have something where they don't lose.

And so what we do is we shout it down like the walls of Jericho. We start binding and rebuking because God said, well, where we bind on earth is bound in heaven. And where we lose on earth is loose in heaven and every assault of the enemy. We will have what again, and protection from every assault of the enemy.

We have to know these things. We have to stand up. And that's the reason why I'm giving you these scriptures before we pray for president Trump, before we pray for this next election in our nation, we have to know how we can stand on the word of God and the right way to pray. Don't just sit there and just start praying any old way.

When you use the word of God and you're speaking the word of God back unto him. Remember, it says in Isaiah 55, 11, his words do not return to him void, but they will accomplish what he pleases in a prosper and thing, which he sent it. So God's words do not return to him void. So when we're praying for president Trump, we're praying for this vice president pick, we're praying for this next election.

And after we're praying for this nation, we're in interceding on behalf. Of our nation, we have to know that we have the right to stand on the mighty word of God. We have the right to say the words of God. So then when we speak the words of God, we are confident that he hears us. And if he hears us, he will also answer us.

Now I'm going to keep reading again. I'm going to go back over this Luke 10 19. This is 19 through 20 the message translation. I've actually never read Luke 10 through the message translation ever. The Lord brought this up to me. And he said, Jesus said, I know I saw Satan fall a bolt of lightning out of the sky.

See what I have given you safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions and protection from every assault of the enemy. No one can put a hand on you. You see what he's telling us here? At the same time, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in God's authority over evil and presence with you.

God has given us his presence, his presence, his authority. He is with us, and because he's with us, we can walk over every assault of the enemy, and it will not harm us. Then it goes on to say, not what you do for God, but what God does for you. That's the agenda for rejoicing. That's why God tells us to rejoice in him.

God's telling us to rejoice in him. He's telling us people automatically think, oh my gosh, if they, you know, they Trump is going to win, but now Trump's going to win and they're going to put the wrong VP. If he picks the wrong VP, they're going to be impeached. And then the other person's going to get, and then people will start getting into fear.

And God's saying read my word, read what my word says. Remember what he also said in Psalm 33. I got so many places I can go today. Psalm 33 in verse 10. Remember what the Lord said? This is, this is scriptural. The Lord brings accounts of the nations to nothing. He makes the people of the plans of the people of no effect.

So he's giving us their plans. He's telling us what they are going to do before they do it. Why is he doing that? Not to bring you fear, not to bring, you know, confusion and not to bring a panic in the body of Christ is for us to start using our God given authority. And again, we had to pray over president Trump, something else.

Now, yesterday when I was talking about numbers, now I apologize. I misstated something and I have to fix it. Well, I was getting excited about that revelation about what God said to Moses in Numbers 11 verse 23, and the Lord said to Moses, has the Lord's hand and his ability and power become short or inadequate?

You shall see now whether my word shall come to pass for you or not. That was not regarding the red seed that was actually regarding the quail. So I misspoke. I said was the red sea was actually the quail. I knew that I knew better. I just got excited and I misstated it. And so Lord wanted me to fix it.

So when they saw the Red Sea, they saw the destruction of the Egyptians. Then they get to the wilderness. They're questioning God about water. So they get water. They're questioning God about food. They get manna. They question God because they want meat. And then they get quail. But before they got the quail and Moses was looking around going in the desert going, I don't know how you're going to do this.

And God's asking him, have you not seen everything that I've done? And now you're questioning me if I can give you meat. Has my hand whacked short God is selling us and in that scripture You go back to because I want to keep these other two scriptures up here So I'll go back open up another page the Bible gateway So numbers chapter 11, and I'm pretty sure that was the CEV translation that I read to you yesterday I'm getting up trust me.

I'm getting to a point. I promise

The CEV numbers 1123, the Lord answered, I can do anything. Watch and you see my words come true. Watch and see my words come true. Now the ample, or the message translation of this scripture says, God answered Moses. So do you think I can't take care of you? You'll soon, soon enough, soon. You will see soon enough whether what I say happens for you or not.

So again, do we believe that God can take care of us? Now he's given us more right now than what they had. The children of Israel did not have all the insight what was going to happen in the wilderness. They didn't have the insight of what was going to happen in the promised land. And they didn't have all the insight that we have.

We have revelation knowledge. We have the prophetic words. We have all these things that God's revealing to us. We have his written word. And so we have his written word. Now there's something we can do about it. We have to use it as a weapon. So I want to start praying. I've given you guys a lot of scripture.

Well, okay. I got to give you one more, like I said, and we'll pray. And I do think he will have a word. And if not, then I'm wrong.

Genesis one. So this is another scripture you can use for authority. Genesis one 26. God said, let us father, son, and Holy spirit make mankind our image after our likeness. Let them have complete authority. Over the fish of the sea of the birds of the air of the tame beasts and over all the earth and over everything that Creeps upon the earth verse 27 So God created a man in his own image and the image and likeness of God he created male and female He created them verse 28 and God blessed them and said to them be fruitful multiply fill the earth and subdue it Using all of its vast resources and the service of God and man and have dominion over the fish of the sea or the birds of the air and over every living thing that creepers upon the earth.

So God has given us complete authority and he's given us dominion. He's telling us what's going on. I've given you several scriptures today. They talk about the authority and dominion that you have. How can you use the authority of the word of God, which is the word of God is the sword of the spirit. So we have to pray for president Trump and this nation and the next election.

It was. Overwhelming me a lot yesterday of what was going on in the spirit And I knew today what we had to do and what the assignment was going to be Even though I thought you know, he was gonna have me read that all that prophecy But he didn't and there's a reason for it. So right now in the name of jesus father We come boldly to your throne and there is Thousands of people watching from all over the world.

So you said what we bind on earth is bound in heaven. And first of all, we thank you that you've given us this great revelation of the enemy's upcoming plan, their conversation, and their plans about President Trump, the Vice President pick. And what's going on with this next election and after what they're going to try to do with the House, what they're trying to do with the Senate, what they're trying to do with the Supreme Court.

Father God, I thank you right now that we bind, we rebuke, and we render helpless every attack and onslaught of the enemy that you said we could walk right over and that you protect us because no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So every single one of these are plaques and plans plaques.

Attacks and plans of the enemy they have against president Trump and this vice president pick we bind it and rebuke it right now by the authority of almighty God, father, God, I thank you that you are giving president Trump discernment on exactly who you want him to pick. Not when people, everybody is saying what everybody, what it looks like is the right person.

But give him discernment on who you want and who you know is the right person with you. And we bind any type of spirit of confusion or any type of spirit of deception that would try to get in and hinder this vice presidential pick. We rebuke it and render it helpless against him by the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father god, you said there were still wolves in his presence So I thank you that you reveal you pull back their masks and you reveal those wolves That are in his presence now that are trying to lead him to this wrong person And I thank you father god that those plans are stopped right now by the blood of jesus christ and heavenly father We also lift up this 2024 election to you.

We lift up all every house seat We lift up every senate seat And we plead the blood of Jesus over all of them. And we thank you that the enemy will not put his people in place. That he will not have what he so desires in the House and the Senate or the Supreme Court. And Father God, you said this is the time of removals.

So we thank you, Father God, we've seen many removals. But we're going to continue to see removals. We're going to continuously see the plans of the enemy fail and fall before our face. Father God, we plead the blood of Jesus over this next election. You said unprecedented, unconventional, and you were saying you were going to do things unusual.

And you said this next election was not going to save us, but you are. Because an election cannot save us, because they can steal another election, or they can cheat another election. But Father God, you, you are the Most High God. And you can stop every Onslaught attack of the enemy. So right now we're calling down every single one of these plans against the president Trump, against the vice president seat, against the election, against every single house seat, against every single Senate seat, against the Supreme court and every other type of place and other plan they have in power, father God, and whatever they're going to do to try to impeach him or try to do to they would all fall.

It doesn't matter what they're going to try to do. Every single thing will fall against him by your power and by your name and by the blood covenant with you, you said no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So, Father God, this day we are standing together and we are praying, we are praying and interceding on the behalf of the United States of America that we are one nation under God and there is no devil in hell that's going to stop this plan, Father God, that you have for this nation.

The, the, the revival in this nation, that this nation comes alive, this nation is alive in you. There's a great awakening in who you are and the plans for this nation. This nation will not die. Their nation will. The ones that the globalists have put into place, but yours won't. Yours will come alive. The foundation of this nation is coming alive.

It's coming alive in you and I thank you, Father. God, everything that you put in place since our founding fathers, everything that they're doing against us that we realize are the Constitution of the United States of America. That we get to know, Father God, greater of the Declaration of Independence and what power we the people have

and that we are not controlled by a government body. Have this awakening, Father God, in the body of Christ, but also have this awakening that children of Most High God know the power they have in your name. That they know that you are revealing to us these plans, but you have, you, Father God, are giving us the power and authority to stop them in your name and in your will and with your will.

And we thank you, Father God, for it. So right now, Father God, we plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump. And we thank and praise you, Father God, that we know that he cannot do this without you. But he doesn't have to. We know he's your pick. We know he's your David. And we know David defeated Goliath.

And just like president Trump will defeat the giants that he faces before him and this nation. We thank you that you revealed to him that he can't do it without you. And he doesn't have to, because you are with him and father God, I thank you that no man gets glory. For what you are about to do in this country what you are about to do around the world And I thank you that you are preparing our hearts You're preparing us for what the enemies are about to do But I thank you father god through you and in your name and with that name No weapon formed against us shall prosper a thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at another But it will not come near us and we thank you for it in jesus name.

Amen. So again What we have to do in this time now Okay, hold on a minute

for I the lord this day I Am telling you my children right now to not be in fear, but you stand You stand in my name. You stand in my word. You use my authority against the enemies of Almighty God. I have given to you their plans and I will give more to you. I will reveal more to you on what they were doing against you.

I Am preparing your hearts to receive all this information that is going to come out in the coming months before this upcoming election.

If I didn't prepare your hearts, my children, then some of your hearts would fail you. You would not trust in me. Because all you could see Is a plan of the enemy. All you can see is a chaos and disruption and what they were doing and you wouldn't see me. I prepared your hearts. I'm preparing you to stand. I'm preparing you that I Am healing

your land. I've given you insight and revelation knowledge on what I Am going to do with my David What I'm going to do through him and yes, he is defeating every giant that has been held up, and been in this nation, to control this nation, to hold this nation back, from being one nation, under me. There has been giants all over, shouting in glee, because they thought they had their way.

They thought with 2020 they had their way. They thought with 2022 they had their way. They thought even this year they had their way until every single thing that they are doing against you is failing and they don't know what to do about it.

Great desperation is growing in the camp of the enemy. The Washington establishment is crumbling before your eyes. I Am exposing the architects behind every plot against you,

and every plan against you.... I Am exposing every single blueprint, all their documents, all their emails, all their phone conversations, all of everything they've done. I'm exposing it all.

Do you hear what I'm doing?

But my children, you've lost trust in me.

Some of you have lost trust in me.

That I will heal this land.

Of course, I will heal it. I Am the healer. Of course, I'll restore it to its power and blessing because I'm the restorer.

But you have a choice to make.

You have a great choice to make.

Great deception will lead some of my people astray.

Don't look to a man to save you. Don't put them on a pedestal to be your savior when I have done that for you. There's only one Savior and there's only one Most High God. Too many people have been looking to a man Why do you think I had to set him aside? You can't look to a man to save you. A man can only do so much Naturally, but I Am a supernatural God.

So you need to look to me You need to look to me in this time and in this season. I'm doing a mighty thing, a mighty thing for you.

What I did in Exodus

is not even close to what I Am doing for you to set you free. But before their freedom, remember that darkness. And remember what the enemies did to try to break my people.

Pharaoh threw everything at them, and they made their lives miserable. Because they wanted them to turn against me, and to give up on their deliverance. To give up that I Am their deliverer. To give up that I Am the Most High God. Your enemies are doing that again. They're going to throw things at you. Do you hear me?

They're going to do things against your nations. Do you understand?

But this is not to bring fear into your hearts. This is to warn you to prepare your hearts to stand. To prepare your hearts to use my name. To prepare your hearts for my authority. And believing and trusting in it more than your enemies.

A darkness is coming that will be felt.

By so many that shouldn't have to feel it.

I Am the God who separated Goshen. And I'm separating my children again. I'm saying that again and again. Do you get this down in your heart to realize who I Am and what I will do for you?

They're not going to hold back anymore. Do you hear me? The enemies of Almighty God are not going to hold back anymore. But neither am I.

I will not hold back in my glory in what I will do to show up for you.

I Am showing up for you,

and I Am showing up for this nation.

So agree with my word, that I Am faithful to my, for my word, and agree with my word that I always lead you into triumph. I Am leading this nation into a triumphant victory. Over death, over evil, and over corruption.

But first, things will look differently. Things will change. Abruptly. That's part of the shaking that I'm telling you about. So hold on and shout!

I'm exposing all of your enemies out of their hiding places. I'm exposing all of their secrets. I'm exposing all of their crimes. I'm exposing all of them. So hold on just a little bit longer and I will show you my power because this is the hour of my glory upon this earth like never before. So shout this day, shout this day because I, the most high God.

Will have my way saith the Lord.

Amen. So what was he saying for again? He's warning us He's giving us an example what happened in the book of Exodus right before the Exodus itself things got tough Things looked bad things got worse, but that was not the end. That was not the end To God's people, that was just the beginning of them seeing the destruction of the enemy that was holding them.

We are seeing the beginning stages of the fall of the corruption in this nation and around the world. And it got harder. The more we started seeing corruption, the more they made our lives harder. harder. But God is saying, instead of us focusing on what they're doing, he said, focus on what I'm doing and I Am strengthening you.

I Am perfecting your faith or your trust in me. That's what he's saying. He is doing a new thing in each and every one of us. So in this time, again, that he gave us a plan of the enemy of what he's tried with president Trump, what he's trying to do with the vice president pick what they're, they're trying 2024 election and after and every house seat and every Senate seat.

And the Supreme Court, we prayed about it and you keep saying it's going to come down at the walls of Jericho. Don't back off. Don't get intimidated. Don't get overwhelmed. Never ever, ever surrender to what they're doing. God said he called, called arms. We're called to fight member. We're called to battle, but we're destined to win.

So today I really do hope this encouraged you that God is in control write the scriptures down and I know that the team will put it down in The chat or not in the chat, but sorry, they'll put it in the description box for you Go read those scriptures over and over and over again Go read the scripture of authority while I'm gone.

I'm going to do a teaching on the authority of the believer so you have more of these things so when These things are happening in your own life, whether it's, you know, things are happening in your family because of sickness and disease. I know there's so many people right now that are dealing with a lot of people having cancer or debilitating diseases and pains or afflictions or, you know, whatever's going on with your children, drug addictions and alcoholism and everything else.

God is saying, no, the authority of almighty God, but I'm going to say this again, get this out into your heart, write it down, put it on mirror if you have to. You are called to battle, but you are destined to win. We are called to this battle in this nation and around the world. We'll call this battle to bring the globalists down and bring the Washington establishment down.

We're called into this battle. We're destined to win it. We're in the army of the Lord, and he's undefeated. So I hope this encourages each and every one of you today. Well, I want to pray over you first. Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name, I just lift up every person on the sound of my voice, and I thank you, Father God, that they know that they are called to this battle, but they are destined to win it.

That they know that they are victorious in your name. That they know the power and the authority of your name. That they know the power and the authority of your word. They know the power and the authority of the, the, the greatest weapon in the world, which is your word. And we thank you, Father God, for all the things that you are doing, all the things you have been doing, that you are preparing our hearts for what is to come.

You are preparing our hearts, Father God, so we will not be moved. Because you are an unstoppable God. You, you, Father God, will have your will and you will have your way. And we thank you that not only you have your will and your way in our nation, but you have your will and your way with our, with our, Families with our churches with our Every government official that you will have your way father God this day and every day and we thank you father God for that victory that you promised us in second Corinthians 2 and 14 And we thank you for it in Jesus name.

Amen. Amen. All right well again, if you guys did miss pastor Dave and I go watch it and if you do want america needs gods or god wins anything would be, you know shirts or t shirts hats, whatever you can go to three sons threads Dot com, let's put it in the face of our enemy That we know the final outcome and that god wins and that america needs god and america has god also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international.

org under our contact page Or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. And so what am I going to say like I always do? God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day!

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International

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