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15 seconds

March 3, 2024

1 year ago

We devoted an entire day to my wife. The day started with a memorial service at Lombard CRC. Pastor John Huizinga delivered a heartfelt service for his sister Dorothy. I was able to give a eulogy to honor my beloved wife. After the service, we proceeded to the Drury Lane and had the most amazing celebration for her.

The day went perfect. In Dorothy's passing, she brought people closer together. While we have all lost an amazing lady, Heaven gained a warrior Angel.

Death is part of life. Time is flying. Life is short no matter how long you live. There is no time to harbor anger, hate, unforgiveness or judgement. The time to live is now!

#strongmind #stronglife #warriormindset #perspective #gratitude #warrior #riseandgrind #firingandwiring #nocomfortzone #nolimits #ageandwisdom #nosurrender #mementomori #smileatthereaper #Fight #neverquit #Courage #nofear #brave #thereisnotomorrow #neverquit #clairty #wisdom #strength #honor #integrity #FREEDOM #honesty #loyalty #truth #payattention #humor #forgiveness #cometogether #honor #code

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Dorothy's Memorial was absolutely remarkable! So much Love and Energy! Dorothy's energy will continue to live on inside each and every one of us that knew her!