Dan Bonamie Speaks on MIGOP Under Kristina Karamo - March 02, 2024

10 months ago

Dan Bonamie spoke at length to the majority of the 1st Congressional District, during their Presidential Caucus in Houghton Lake. After Pete Hoekstra had told 25 counties that their delegates would not be receiving credentials at his Grand Rapids convention, the 1CD quickly put together this Caucus so that our voices would be heard.

During this discussion, he disclosed a lot of the behind the scenes happenings which had happened during Kristina Karamo's administration. Most notably, how it was actively being sabotaged since before she was even elected as the MIGOP Chairwoman, and how that sabotage has continued to this very day.

#MAGA #Trump2024 #KristinaKaramo #Hoaxtra #PeteHoekstra #MIGOP #MIGOP1stD #MichiganFirstDistrictGOP #Michigan #FirstDistrict #DisenfranchisedDelegates #DistrictPresidentialCaucus

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