🚩 The U.N. "Terrorist" Camp at Darien Gap 🚨 | Michael Yon

10 months ago

The drone footage below has never been seen and was made yesterday. This is a United Nations Camp in Darien, Panama, after “migrant” attack two days ago.

There is no doubt in my mind that people who pass through this camp will become responsible for the deaths of countless Americans. You have never seen a more serious terrorist camp in your life.

This is China Camp in Darien, Panama. Locally called San Vicente. I have been here dozens of times including two weeks ago.

Secretary Mayorkas came here on 18 April 2022 to expand the camp. I was there that day. Sec Mayorkas was a board-member at HIAS before being installed as an operative at DHS.

Two days ago, a riot occurred in this camp. Several courageous @senafrontpanama
men were seriously hurt trying to save the camp and stop the attack.

Arson was committed including an attack on vital records of invaders who pass through this camp. According to @senafrontpanama, computers and vital records were burned and destroyed.

The attack is said to have started from an internal dispute between “migrants”. The records were attacked during the violence. 44 “migrants” reportedly have been arrested so far. Others vanished into the night. Vanished with what? The records?

Records that include CCP operatives, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others who have passed through were said to have been burned. It is unknown if backups are intact. It is unknown to me if the records were actually burned or maybe just vanished into the night.

Powerful forces are at play. This is a multiplayer game.

This camp is funded by DHS and others through front organizations such as
@UNmigration, and @HIASrefugees. HIAS has an office about 50 yards from this fire damage.

The Government of Panama wants to close this camp but WEF, Chinese Communist Party, and @USEmbPAN and others work to keep this open. This is a war camp. Panama could shut the camp with snap of a finger but do not. This camp and others will be instrumental in the coming revolution in Panama. At this rate, Panama will be taken from Panamanians due to allowing this to grow within their bellies.

@ganaha_masako and @rangerholton and I first went together shortly after Biden was installed several years ago. Chuck Holton had been to Darien many times over the years. We watched the United States grow this terrorist camp.

Realizing Darien Gap likely would become a main invasion route to USA, I have spent about six months in and around this area since Biden was installed. Over the past three years I have taken only a small number of select people to this camp and into Darien.

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