Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith Torpedoes Dem's Stealth Attempt To Cancel Religious Freedom With IVF Bill

4 months ago

Mississippi Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith scotched the Democrat’s effort to slip through a bill that would have ended religious freedom hidden in a bill to “protect” in vitro fertilization (IVF). On Friday, Democrat Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth tried to get the upper chamber to give “unanimous consent” to her Access to Family Building Act, a false flag effort to “protect” IVF. The process of unanimous consent would have automatically passed the bill, but the process also allows a single senator to block it, stopping its automatic passage. Hyde-Smith chose to block, and for some very specific and important reasons. Emma Waters of the Heritage Foundation blasted Duckworth’s stealth bill. “Far from merely protecting IVF, this act would establish a statutory right for any adult to access any assisted reproductive technologies to create a child. This would allow, for instance, a child abuser to use reproductive technologies to have a child,” Waters wrote.

Waters went on to noted that the bill would have significant repercussions. “The act ‘pre-empt[s] any state effort to limit such access,’ including commonsense regulations. This means that Louisiana’s embryo protection act, Colorado’s ban on anonymous gamete donation, or Nebraska’s law that renders surrogacy-for-pay legally unenforceable would all be on the chopping block. Moreover, the act’s broad language would legalize embryo cloning and “designer babies” with CRISPR, a gene editing technology. Both options are unpopular with voters in the United States,” Waters warned. “If this was not bad enough,” Waters continued, “the act exempts itself from the bipartisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. This is the first time an act tries to sidestep RFRA. If passed, it would be detrimental to religious and pro-life organizations.

Without religious freedom protections, the act could require that churches or pro-life clinics provide IVF health insurance coverage or access to reproductive technology in their facilities.” The media is attempting to paint Hyde-Smith as some sort of nut case who is worried about “human-animal hybrid cloning.” But, while she did mention that in her blocking statement, that was not the principal reason she chose to block the bill at all. In fact, the main reason she voted to block the left’s bill is because it canceled religious freedom by eliminating the rights of anyone who might oppose certain medical practices to protest to the procedures and would have thrown out a blanket protection to all sorts of shocking practices. The media’s lies have come in so thick that Hyde-Smith put out another statement to address the left-wing media’s broadsides.

“The media headlines and stories painting the picture that I object to IVF are blatantly misleading and some are boldfaced lies. I have been clear about my strong support of IVF and its ability to help bring God’s beautiful creations into the world. Senator Duckworth’s legislation was construed as ‘protecting IVF,’ when in reality, no states have banned or intend to ban IVF. I objected to the unanimous consent request to pass S.3612 due to its broad, sweeping language that would have serious consequences in our goal to protect life and religious freedoms. As Chair of the Pro-Life Caucus, I will always do everything in my power to protect the lives of mothers and children, and felt that this bill was too dangerously opaque to be allowed to bypass Senate procedure.”

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith: Statement blocking unanimous consent
Life News: Republicans Block Bogus Democrat IVF Bill That Would Allow Destroying Human Embryos

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