3/24 West region Utah & Navel space!important comment?Mandatory currency change 3/24-25/24 to 4/8/24

1 year ago

Iss(housing station) letter, message or word of selection. International space station
hubble space telescope what will it see?
sunday march 3rd 2024
saturn energy (ring)(work)(sizing)(promises)(releasing aggressive energy through fighting )
comet sighting...
Angel numbers #33 #333 #3333
protected, warm and provided for the next step
health: gas and bloatness, face pimples/marks,
b.c (before christ) ,galileo galilei(first person to view saturn ring). (closer and larger lens) visions
#eagle has landed....one giant leap for man
return to earth? landing spot..
devine family....take a giant leap/leap year...
new portal has opened....
the moon and pictures
vehicle issues in the energy!
Houston texas remote control?
milestones...some type of gathering to put the pieces together of a puzzle
theres something you need to listen out for.
stay hydrated
south polar cap
"lunar 3"
West region...hawaii, alaska, california, mountains,
wyoming, montana, colorado, oregon, washington , idaho
orange chakra
Why? some type of download
Full moon march 24 2024, lunar eclipse march 25 2024
United states purchase Hawaii from Russia!
shyann?cody? indian paintbrush? completion show and tell. before the vision
two devine angels(aliens) have been helping devine pairs for the next stage!
cowboy state ... hunting skills (wild wild west with will smith in it) movie.
#44 july 10th
beehive state
#45 janurary 4th
east to west
"people of the mountains"
something about the belly button....utah/ ai
heart chakra, throat chakra, sacral chakra (located below the navel) sex organs and kidneys
element of water
red dragon element wood
Times 8:30,12:00,2:45
Health: gall bladder, liver, urinary bladder, kidneys, bones, pancreas, stomach , intestines, bile, menses (take care of your health ) pitutary, uterus, ovaries, dna
news of pregnancy
something is spreading!!!
currency change march 24-25 2024 energy can extend two weeks (april 8 2024) solar eclipse
#5 new energy in this plane (get on with it) currency not everyone will be happy, its mandatory (start depositing)
chocolate cereal and heart space/bowel
recalls and letters
las vegas...balli (green light) february 2024 2 ways?
good tower
silver bar
bone to pick with someone?

energy can extend two weeks to two months!

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