The Diamond Heart Matrix Channel Trailer: The Seven Higher Heavens

6 months ago

The Seven Higher Heavens is a phrase often used within the Guardian terminology to refer to an energetic space located within the next harmonic universe (4D, 5D, 6D) which we as a collective are moving into. Tara, what many would call the New Earth, is located within this universe at the 6th Universal Stargate, or the 6th dimension. Consequently, this means that many of us are currently undergoing a major shift, releasing our hold over the false ego structure and moving back into the soul space.

You may be familiar with the terms, The Seven Worlds Above and the Seven Worlds Below. In the realm of the Below, we are greatly identified with the ego as our main mode of functioning, until the time comes where the illusion of the ego can no longer be sustained. This is where the breaking down process occurs and we begin to move into the realm of the Above, once again reclaiming our soul and coming back into the space of the oneness of which we are all a part.

Within the process of our ascent into the realm of the Above and climbing the Stairway to Heaven, we experience a Dark Night of the Soul, in which we come face to face with all form of shadow within ourselves. But it is a process which is necessary in order to release our hold over all illusion.

Once we make our way through the abyss of our own darkness, we rise from the muck like the lotus and experience the activation of our Permanent Seed Atom, ie our Crystal Diamond Heart. This activation restores energetic wholeness through the reuniting of our masculine & feminine aspects.

This concept is the foundation of my new aesthetic, as represented by the Emerald Blue-Green of Holy Mother & the Ruby red-magenta of Holy Father. These two colors lay the ground work for every other aspect of this design, which I consider to be my greatest work to date.

I know that my skills and talents are not my own, as Megan the persona simply does not exist. All "belongs" to God and God alone, and I as Megan take no credit for it. I am simply a vessel for which divine creative energy can flow. Therefore, it is not my intent to glorify my false ego persona with this new aesthetic - only to glorify the God of the One True Original Source.

My goal is to bring forth this rememberance of original perfection within all souls, in an effort to remind them that there is no work that needs to be done. All that is required for the synthesis to take place is to remember that you are already whole. You are already God. All that needs to be done is for you to wake up from the dream that you aren't.

- Megan

Ruby Sun Indigo, Emerald Sun Oraphim,
Guardian Representative & Steward of the Law of One

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