Rahan. Episode Sixty-Six. By Roger Lecureux. The men without heads. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago


Episode Sixty-Six.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The men without heads.

The son of Crao could not find wood supple enough to make a bow.
So he thought of a blowgun, to kill one of these birds and satisfy his hunger.

He had once discovered the effectiveness of this silent weapon.
The bank covered with large dry reeds would provide him with one.

These reeds had been pierced by insects.
One of them escaped from the reed he cut.

The beast that stings will find refuge elsewhere!

Page Two.

Before slipping a long thorn into his blowgun, he crawled towards the screaming birds.

When he was within range he blew and.
Almost screamed in astonishment.
It was not the thorn that had sprung from the weapon, but a strange sound!

Intrigued, he started again, and a new sound arose which lasted as long as he blew.
How can the “wind-of-cheeks” make music?

Stuck in the orifice of the reed, the thorn will only allow a trickle of air to pass through.
And Rahan Noticed that the sounds changed depending on whether he was blocking this or that hole!

Delighted, he had fun modulating short sounds, then long ones that resembled complaints.
This music is softer, prettier than that of the great horns of the hunters of the “two tooth”!

Page Three.

The son of Crao forgot his hunger.
He forgot the birds.
He even forgot his knife, which he had left stuck in the ground.

This was why he found himself disarmed when three menacing beings burst out of the thicket!

“Hair of Fire” will pay with his life for the suffering that his people have made us endure!
The rough trio rushed towards Rahan.

Who only had time to grab a solid vine.
Rahan does not understand your words!
But he will not let himself be killed without a fight!

The vine whirled, lashing the faces.
But Rahan, retreating, was soon cornered against a rock.

Page Four.

And suddenly, hit in the forehead by a stone, one of the men collapsed!
The other two fled, terrified!
"Hair of fire" has a magic weapon!

Rahan looked up for the one who had come to his aid.
But he saw nothing and heard nothing.
However, this stone did not fly by itself!

He perceived the rock, and saw similar stones on it.
An explanation was born in his mind.
The vine of Rahan whipped this rock.
It was the vine, who grabbed the stone and threw it!

Placing the loop of the line around a stone, he pulled violently.

The projectile whirled away!

Page Five.

It is a happy day for Rahan!
He has discovered the “Music-Reed” and the “Vine that throws Stones”!
Attributing the discovery of the flute and the slingshot to the son of Crao would be very daring, but who knows?

The man, a few steps away, came back to himself.
“Hair-of-fire” is bad like all his people!
He almost broke Gagna's skull!
Rahan did not want to kill.
He does not kill "Those Who Walk Upright"!

But why did Gagna and his brothers attack him?
They want revenge for having been treated like animals for so long!

Rahan had no time to ask any further questions.
Who are you, you who allowed us to catch up with this “Headless Man”?

I am Rahan, the son of Crao!
And Rahan does not understand why you are brutalizing Gagna!
The hunters savagely prodded Gagna with their spears.

Page Six.

But they showed Rahan considerable respect.
Rahan should have no pity for those who have no more brains than the "Four Hands"!

Come with us to the village.
You will be welcomed there like a brother!
Rahan's gaze met Gagna's.
There he detected despondency and fear.

And he decided to follow these hunters who pushed their captive without care.
Why do they call Gagna "The man without a Head"?
Rahan wants to know!

The group was crossing a vast clearing when a hammering sounded.
A “Two Nose”!

The rhinoceros that charged was a large male, one of those loners that hunters so feared.
They scattered around screaming.

Page Seven.

And Gagna, taking advantage of this moment of panic, rushed towards the forest.
May the “Two Nose” punish the bad men!

Too busy looking for shelter, the hunters did not care about the fugitive.
Look! "Fire-hair" has lost his mind! Look!

The son of Crao rushed towards the pachyderm that had just stopped, looking for men with his tiny eyes.
Attack, “Two-nose”!
Attack Rahan!

Rahan knew he could not defeat such a monster.
But he had another purpose.
To lure him towards the large pit he had just glimpsed.
Attack! “Two-nose”! Would you be afraid of Rahan!?

The rhinoceros swung its heavy head, observing the man gesticulating in front of him.
Its formidable hoofs plowed the ground.

Page Eight.

And he charged the excited animal, which had only one desire left.
To crush, to destroy this agile being who was fleeing him.
This way, “Two Nose!” This way!

The son of fierce ages made a sudden turn, imitated by the monster.
The pit was only a hundred steps away.

The hunters, hiding in the thickets, did not understand.
Why had “Fire-hair” attracted the anger of “Two-Nose”?

The pachyderm was no more than thirty steps from Rahan.
Twenty steps.
Fifteen steps.
Ten steps.

In a fantastic bound, Rahan had just lept from the ground.

Page Nine.

He barely held on to the other edge of the pit, while the rhinoceros, on its dash, rushed headlong into the improvised trap!

The clamor of the hunters greeted the reappearance of the son of Crao.
“Fire Hair” has just proven that he is not a “Man without a Head”!

Rahan deserves no special credit.
The "Two-noses" are as stupid as they are powerful!
And, backing up to gain momentum.

Rahan re-crossed the wide pit from which the monster would never escape again.

Tamud himself would not have had this idea to get rid of a “Two-nose”!
Who is Tamud?

Page Ten.

Tamud is our sorcerer.
He knows a hundred things that others do not!
He foresees everything!
Did Tamud predict that Gagna wouldl escape you?

The men did not notice the irony of the son of Crao.
Come, brother. Tamud will be happy to welcome a brave hunter!

An important village soon appeared.
The huts which stood on the banks of the river were high and solid.
The Clan that lived there was visibly more evolved than many others.

One thing immediately intrigued the son of fierce ages.
An enclosure where several dozen men were kept.
Enemies of your clan?

The “Men without Heads” are not enemies, they are our slaves!
Slaves! Rahan doesn't like hearing this word!

Page Eleven.

Rahan, shortly after, was presented to Tamud, who showed no admiration when the hunters recounted the exploit of "Hair-of-fire".

Rahan was fleeing the "Two-nose" and he had the chance to jump this pit!
It was neither cunning nor intelligence that guided him but fear!

But we saw him provoke the "Two-tooth" and.
What your eyes saw does not matter!
All that matters is what Tamud thinks!

Like many wizards Rahan had known, Tamud was jealous of his authority.
Lock up Rahan with the “Headless Men”!

The hunters who had witnessed Rahan's exploit hesitated.
But others rushed forward.
If Tamud is jealous of Rahan why does he not confront him himself!?

Page Twelve.

The wizard gave a scornful smile.
Tamud, who knows how to create fire, who knows how to cut stones, who knows how to make bows and spears, does not lower himself to fight!

A moment later, the son of Crao was pushed into the enclosure.
Fearful men surrounded him.
Are you a “Man without a head” too?

Rahan was finally able to learn who these captives were.
They all belonged to the swamp clan, a particularly primitive tribe that knew nothing, or almost nothing.

We do not know, like the hunters of Tamud, how to make fire from stones.
We do not know, like them, how to make weapons that kill from afar.
We do not know anything!

And that is why Tamud calls you "Headless Men"!
And he takes advantage of the ignorance of these unfortunate men to make them his slaves!

Page thirteen.

Rahan further learned how Tamud forced his captives to build huts.
How he treated them like animals to carry out the most arduous work.

Some of us occasionally manage to escape the village.
But hunters of Tamud almost always catch up with them!

You will soon be free! Rahan promises you!
He will prove that Tamud is merely a proud and stupid person!

Strange things happened that night.
There was, first of all, a curious music which rose from the enclosure.

When the sorcerer, escorted by hunters entered there, Rahan blew into a bamboo reed.
That! So what is this?

Page Fourteen.

Rahan thought Tamud knew everything?
Does Tamud not know that you can make a bamboo sing?
Displeased, The Sorcerer withdrew.

He was meditating near the big fire when, a little later, some hunters saw him wavering.
Ha! Who?
Who hit Tamud?

Can you not see?
It was Rahan who struck Tamud!
Supported by the shoulders of the headless men, the son of Crao jumped the enclosure.

You lie!
How could you have struck me, since you do not have a weapon!
Therefore, Tamud does not know how to throw stones from a distance!

With this!?
Rahan placed a stone on the strip of skin, twirled his "Sling" and released the projectile.
He shattered the earthen jar that he had aimed for!

Page Fifteen.

Tamud was not aware of this weapon?
Clearly, there are a lot of things that Tamud does not know!

But perhaps Tamud knows, like Rahan, “Crawling on water”?
Mockingly, the son of Crao dove into the river.

A moment later, he was moving in the water with magnificent ease.
The moment of astonishment passed, and then the whole clan cheered him on.
Why does Tamud not join Rahan?

Does Tamud not know that “Those-who-walk-upright” can also crawl on water?
Being ignorant of so many things, could Tamud be a “man without a head”?

Kill this demon! Kill him!
The wizard screamed in rage.
But, as the hunters did not obey his orders, he brandished his own spear.

Page Sixteen.

This one did not reach Rahan, who had let himself sink.
Rahan could flee!
But he will not abandon those of the swamp!

He returned to the shore to the ovations of the clan.
But Tamud rushed towards him, brandishing a sharp flint.
And you said that Tamud would not lower himself to fighting!

There was not even a fight.
The sorcerer, lifted from the ground, was thrown into the black waters!

But as he was about to drown, the son of the fierce ages dove to his aid.

This was a generous gesture, which definitely won him the trust of the clan.
“Hair-of-Fire” knows more things than Tamud!
And he is more loyal than Tamud!

Page Seventeen.

No one opposed him when he opened the door of the enclosure to free the “Headless Men”.
Grateful but fearful, they were going to flee.

But he kept them there.
Stay here, brothers!
Rahan will teach you everything he knows!
There will be no more difference between you and the hunters of Tamud!

In the days that followed, the son of Crao revealed all his knowledge to these men.
He taught a thousand things.
He spoke of a hundred distant countries and a hundred peoples.

Tamud-the-sorcerer, who had lost all authority over the clan, remained prostrate in his hut, meditating on revenge.
Tamud will kill “Hair of Fire” this very night!

That night, in fact, the sorcerer slipped towards the hut that had been attributed to Rahan.

Page Eighteen.

This one, plunged into a calm and deep sleep did not hear, and could not hear, as the deceiver approached.

But Tamud heard the peaceful breathing of the one he was going to assassinate.
The hunters will believe that the evil spirit has come to take the life of “Fire-hair!”

A wicked smile creased Tamud's face.
Stretched out on the palm litter Rahan was there, at his mercy!
He raised his weapon.
He took another step.

And then, the son of Crao rolled onto his side, narrowly avoiding the terrible blow of the spear!

Shouts arose, alerting the hunters!
What is going on "Hair of Fire"?
Why are you shouting like that?

Page Nineteen.

And Rahan appeared, throwing the Sorcerer out of the hut.
Tamud the coward wanted to kill Rahan!

You wanted to take away the life of the one who taught us so much!
You are the one who's going to die, Tamud!
No! No!

Panicked, the sorcerer fled.
And the son of fierce ages did not have time to intervene.
A spear had stopped the coward!

This deceiver could have disemboweled you, “Hair of fire”!
Luckily you were not sleeping!
If Rahan was sleeping!

But Rahan guessed Tamud's bad feelings.
He knew that Tamud would try to kill him while he slept.
And Rahan had set a trap for him!
Come and see.

Page Twenty.

This vine was stretched across the bottom of the door and tied to Rahan's wrist.
Like this.

Upon entering the hut, Talmud touched the vine and the shaking woke up Rahan!
Oh! Please excuse me for not teaching you this trick yet!

The body of the sorcerer was placed in the river at dawn.
May peace now reign between our clan and that of the swamps!
Thanks to you, there will be no more “headless men”!

You will also remember that "Those-who-walk-upright" must not abuse their knowledge, but that they must share it with their brothers!

The son of Crao stayed a long, very long time in this village.
In fact, he only left when he was certain that all these men had nothing more to learn from Him!


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